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Weigh-in Jan 22nd

Oh my GOD, I am in the 60's.

Can you freaking believe it? Me, 69.9 kilos. Yeah I know, 100 grams under 70, but hey you take what you can get.

So today I had a weekly loss of 300 grams (without even trying) and I am 69.9 kilos, that is just 6.9 kilos away from my goal.

Today I am going to the David Jones Spa and having a hydrotherapy bath and a shoulder and back massage. I can't have any manipulation on my neck, so I guess I will get a few extra minutes on my shoulders which is good because I sooooooooo need it.

I am looking forward to it immensely. Also, I am looking forward to my lovely date with my hubby tonight. I get to get dressed up and feel sexy.

Today I went to the Salvation Army store in my area and found myself a pair of Black Sussan Aus size 12 pants and a nice slinky top for a total of $15.50 (for both items). I am such a snazzy shopper. I can always find good clothes for almost nothing. This time of year is a great time because people (like me even) are cleaning out their closets. They're getting rid of the too big, too small, and things they never wear. I will take a picture and publish it soon.

Get yourself to your local Salvation Army, it is the best way to get clothes when you are on a budget, or losing weight and know you won't be in that size for long.

I want everyone to meet Shelley:


Yesterday on the Channel 9 news, I met her for the firsst time. The police found her lying on the ground in a train station left for dead. Three youths were caught on camera torturing the poor baby. When they showed Shelley (the name the police gave her) with the doctor that saved her life I was overcome with sadness for her. She was so friendly and cute and I couldn't believe that someone would kick her, stone her, and run over her with their bikes. She has an eye injury as well as a broken fibula (which incidentally I've broken before and it hurt like hell).

Now that the story has had so much press, in the papers and on the news, one 18 year old male who turned himself in and a 15 year old are already being charged with committing an act of aggravated cruelty on an animal. According to the police the max fine could be $22,000AU, or 2 years in jail.


Argy said… are Ms 69.9!!!! Isn't it wonderful when you go down to a different ten? I cannot wait to get to the 80's and then some lower too!

You know I am so happy I am having Aussie and NZ weight loss friends. Because you all there are in this exquisite and vibrant summer mood. Spring and summer is wonderful time of weight loss for me. I think it is the sun and the sea and the weather that make me so happy that I want to treat myself better.

Having you all living this "high" season for me sort of gives me back almost the entire feeling, and although winter is tough for me, I, cos of you all, am trying harder than any winter in the past!

And I so love shopping in bargains too! This is actually while I am going to Amsterdam for the second year in a row...I was ecstatic with the sales and bargains last year. The stuff we bough at the prices we boughted actually paid of for the trip!

I hope you have a gorgeous date! Boy am I bubbly *hugs*
Anonymous said…
oh that poor cat. what goes wrong in a person's mind that they would treat another living thing so poorly? it makes me sad for the world that such people exist. and that they are children. heartbreaking.

congrtulations on your weight loss AND a night out! have an excellent time and be sure to tell us all about it.
Anonymous said…
bloody hell... how can people be so horrible to an animal :(

well done on the 60s, GROOVY BABY! ;)

Denise said…
I think your little baby boy needs a sister...wouldn't she be a lovely addition to the ralph household??? :)

Well done on the weight loss, btw - I'm no good with metrics, but I think that's about 140 pounds and that's just fabulous!!!

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