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A night like no other

I wanted to put up pictures to show you how great I looked in a size AUS(10) satin dress I wore on New Years Eve, but mr. ralph left the cord needed to transfer the pics to the laptop at his mum's so you will have to wait on that. Suspense killing you yet?

The day was a beautifully hot one. I asked for it because I wanted to dress without worrying about getting cold during the middle of the night. I got exactly what I wanted.

I had to work the morning and it was very boring, but after I got off work I stopped by the goodwill because I like to browse occassionally and actually found the most amazing dress that I decided to wear even though I already had a brand new top planned. This dress is gorgeous and no one would ever know it wasn't expensive and new except all of you of course because I don't mind bragging about bargains, especially size 10 ones that actually fit me.

Anyway after that I went with mr. ralph to his mum's house where the younger brother was having his friends over for a bbq. I ate some salad and sausages and we stayed long enough to wish him a happy new year before coming home and jumping in the shower.

I went to a bbq dressed to kill and had a great time drinking my cocktails.Most of us went to sit near the beach to watch the fireworks. And after that is when the night took another interesting turn.

Over here they offer free public transport on NYE after midnight to keep the drunks off the road, so even though I had paced myself really well and was half sober, I ended up walking over 20 minutes in my beautiful shoes to the bus stop where another several hundred people (most of them ridiculously drunk) were waiting for the tram or a bus to take them into the city.

I had to throw my body into the crowd and be propelled along by everyone else's pushing and shoving until I was actually on the bus and then was forced to listen to a man who will forever be known as belligerent, loud guy continually yell out, "You ferral F--ker!, and "Hurry Up BUS DRIIIIVEEER!" over and over again until we reached our destination.

I wanted to gouge his eyes out.

Once in the city I walked around a guy who was actually sleeping in the city square, and he wasn't a homeless person, he just decided to stop and take a little nap in the grass.

I had instructions from mr. ralph about which bus stop I needed to get to in order to meet him at his friend's house, but the street was partially closed and after I asked a few people if they knew where I needed to go I gave up and walked another 25 minutes in my sexy shoes to a bus stop where I could catch a bus home.

At that point I was very sad because I really wanted to be with mr. ralph and I felt bad that I didn't know my way around more. I am horrible with directions and I failed at finding my way on my own so I was miserable, plus I didn't particularly like being alone in the city at 1:30 in the morning where strange men were roaming about the streets under the influence of a lot of alcohol and god knows what else.

Once on the bus heading in the direction of my wonderful home, a man on the bus was yelling and being yelled at by a half-naked man who was on the street running along side the bus. He was holding up his shorts and seemed to be in a state of distress as he was screaming, "I will kill you, I promise you, you will die!" and the guy on the bus was yelling back, "Bring it on!" and frantically ran up to the front of the bus near where I was perched and actually kicked at the door.

That will show him!!

Then the bus driver did something strange, he stopped at the next stop and ordered the guy who kicked the door off. All of his friends ran up to the front and begged the driver to let him back on saying what a bad idea it was to have him on the street. I would say I had to agree since it seemed his life was in danger, but the driver refused to let him back on.

A woman who appeared to be the angry, kicked off (soon to be dead) guy's girlfriend was now mad at the bus driver and asked to be let off. When it came time for her stop, a silly woman called out from somewhere behind me, "see ya later love." This of course set the girlfriend off again and at the stop she stepped back on to the bus in order to have a conversation with the woman telling her how she didn't have the right to say anything because she didn't know her or what had happened to them that night.

The bus driver, having long lost his patience tried to order the girlfriend off the bus since he had stopped for her only, and she stood there arguing with him some more. So he closed the door and we were on our way again when she stomped around and rang the bell a final time and departed at the next stop.

After that things got quiet until the driver said, "Anyone else want to play up? Because it is all being recorded."

We were all shaking in our shoes of course. Not.

Nobody else said or did anything, and after I got home I called mr. ralph and told him how sorry I was that I had to come home. By that time it was 2:30 and he said he would walk into the city and catch a bus home. I had a headache and sat here drinking 2 bottles of water and reading blogs before finally crashing around 4 am.

Mr. ralph, reeking of scotch came and gave me a kiss before he passed out around 5:30. Apparently when he was catching the bus he experienced a bit of congestion and had to wait longer as the busses were full.

He had nowhere near as interesting a night as I had, but he did feel sad and miss his father. I knew he would. He also feeling blue about his friend moving in a few days. He had played poker with his mates and actually won. Other than that, I think it is safe to say we were glad 2004 was over. We slept in and then watched The Phantom of The Opera last night.

I was singing the songs in my head in my sleep, in fact I am still singing songs now. It is one of the most beautifully tragic love stories and I adored it, although it did have some cheesy sets and wardrobes. Come on, you know it is true.

Today starts my no-carb, no alcohol, and no fizzy drinks 2-week kick off plan. I am looking forward to it, and I have done well already by walking 25 minutes this morning.

Now that is all, and I promise the pictures will be put up as soon as I can transfer them. Hope all of you had a great NYE, and please vote for your favorite blogs at BoB, the best of blogs award site.


Denise said…
Boy, you sure did have an interesting evening, didn't you? Yikes! I think I'm glad I stayed in and did, um, nothing. (Perhaps not!) Anyway, nudge Mr. Ralph and get him to fetch that cable - I want to see the dress. :)

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