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date night

Yesterday was such a day of bliss for me. The hydrotherapy bath was heaven. I will admit it took me some time to totally let myself go so that I could relax. Why do I carry around all this tension? But I so wish I could have a bathtub like that at home.

Then, the massage was so good. The guy was incredible. I have got to go back there again, soon. He told me the spots on my feet (reflexology) that I should massage to help relieve the pain in my shoulders and neck. He did tell me that the pain there is precipitated by both emotional reasons and physical circumstances. I think that I am building up a protective zone around my neck, thus tightening all those back muscles.

After that I felt really good inside and out. I felt beautiful, and that is not very often. When I came home I took a hot shower and started the ritual of getting myself dressed up for the night out.

I only had an hour so we were rushed in taking the photos. We had to use the self-timer so getting the full body shot wasn't possible. I was going to get mr. ralph to do a full one later but we forgot about it by the end of the night.


Girls, he took me to the best place. It is called Chloe's Restaurant, and we have driven past it so many times and commented on how we'd like to eat there someday. Let me first forewarn you that if you live in this area and are thinking of it for a special night out, make sure you have the extra cash. Luckily we should be getting a check for our taxes next week, otherwise we would be in serious trouble.

Their menu on line is a little different to the current one; for my entree I had double baked prawn and lobster souffle, and for my main meal I had grilled baramundi with seasonal steamed veggies. We shared a dessert which was a chocolate cake with berries and icecream. I didn't feel guilty about the food because although it was 2 courses, they were small serves; I did feel a little full in my new AU-size 12 pants.

After dinner we walked up to a pub in Norwood and enjoyed a few drinks before getting a taxi home.

That was the only part that went wrong all night. The taxi driver smelled of a three-day treck in the Andies and the body odor coming off him could kill a small animal. I had to hold my breath it was so horrible, and then he tailgated the guy in front of us until we were at the lights. To the right we could see an accident had happened and instead of watching the car in front of him he was looking at the accident and then hit the bumper in front of us quite hard. Mr. ralph could see it about to happen from his vantage point and braced himself. His knee is a bit jammed up because he was forced into the seat in front of him. I was paranoid about the jolt to my neck because it was a pretty hard bounce, but I feel okay so far.

The guy didn't end up charging us for our fare, and mr. ralph and I took down his id # and plan to call the taxi company today to complain in case either of us need to go to the doctor over the next few days.

After that excitement we came inside where mr. ralph had set some wine glasses and one of the wines we bought last March on our anniversary trip. He had my favorite cd (Sarah McLachlan) set to play and then I turned down the lights and lit a few candles. We spent some time cuddling on the couch and slow danced before going to bed. Sorry folks that is where the story ends, this is not an X-Rated blog. Let me just say it was a great ending to a beautiful date.

And now it is my turn to plan the next one & that is going to be Valentines. I'm already trying to think of how I can outdo him.


Anonymous said…
You look beautiful in your "new" clothers. Go the Salvation army!! I always take my stuff there that I don't want. What a wonderful evening - our anniversary is on Tuesday so I'll try for the same kind of night. Hey, I didn't realise you were in Australia? Are you from there originally, I read how you were apart living somewhere else etc...

brent said…
you guys look lovely. welll done mr. ralph, well done.
Ozfemme said…
I love Chloe's! Glad to hear you had fun. Adelaide taxi drivers are amongst the worst in the world I think.
Argy said…
A great date! And how great you two look together too! I am so glad you had so much fun and that you felt gorgeous and sexy :)

(the detox's duration is 21 days)
what a jerk taxi driver. i mean, at least wash. crash if you must but for god's sake WASH.

glad you're ok.

as to how lovely you looked for your date and how nice a time you had! wonderful! your evening sounds like it was (almost) perfect. and as you well know, you looked beautiful.
Anonymous said…
You two looked absolutely hot :D and the dinner sounded wonderful. And, yay to the Salvation Army. The blouse looks wonderful on you.


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