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My heart overflows

I have found bliss: Light ciata made by Shwepps, if you live in Australia I highly recommend it for your caffeine free, sugar free consumption.

I was overwhelmed (in a good way) by the response of all of you yesterday. I am so fortunate to have such wonderful readers!

Sometime after I read all of your lovely comments, I read my email I had a short reply from her telling me that she had indeed been referring to a different email. She said she was sorry that she didn't reply to my first one. In the end mr. ralph was right that I shouldn't have assumed it was mine, but it was such an odd coincidence that someone else wrote to her and gave her tips as well.

Although I am not so sure I should have ventured into writing unarmed with the knowledge I have now (again, thanks to all of you) that she probably doesn't benefit from that type of thing, I felt so much better. I was happy that she said it wasn't me that made her binge. I've learned that sometimes helpful advice may not be what someone needs or wants. And I've also learned that most everyone enjoys my commenting.

I still feel mixed about the whole experience, because if a new reader took the time to write to me to give me tips of any kind regarding my diet, I don't think it would make me angry. I think I would embrace what they had to say as something positive. It makes me really sad that any email would do that to someone.

I did something yesterday that you're never going to believe. I auditioned for Big Brother. I became addicted to the shows here in Australia 2 years ago when someone we knew was on it. So after arriving there at 6:30 (yes I do mean AM) and standing a line for 5 hours, I spent 30 minutes inside the building only to not be chosen to go onto the 2nd round. It actually totally ticked me off, not really because I wasn't chosen but mainly because of the people in my group they did choose. They chose the clowns and outright obnoxious people, along with one or two stunners just for good measure.

Oh well, you know what I say? Their loss. And would I have really enjoyed the experience? Maybe not. I missed mr. ralph when I was away from him for 3 days. Also, I wouldn't have any control over what I would eat, and I may miss out on getting a raise at my job that I could be eligible for in March. So all and all it was probably for the best that I wasn't chosen.

And if I ended up in the Big Brother house with one of the guys in my group that had been chosen for the 2nd round I would have wanted to strangle him within the first 5 minutes.

Do I really need that kind of stress?

I didn't think so.


Laurie said…
Thanks for coming by my blog and commenting about New Orleans. I'm going over there this weekend (I'm about 4 hours away). I can't imagine being all the way in Australia and not being able to make a quick trip. I'm still reading some of your past posts. Great!
Argy said…
I am too glad that it all got sorted out. I am more glad that you now know how we all appreciate your comments.

I had thought of BB too once, then I realised that the camera would make me look even bigger and I changed my mind ... hehehe
Lori said…
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Lori said…
Crazy Diet Chick here:

I think there are a lot of inferences made about me, like that I’m crazy and aggressive, which I really don’t agree with and are pretty mean spirited about someone you don’t really know. My blog is a little different than yours and I’m a little different than you. My blog, for some reason, the way I choose to write it, invites some comments and emails I think are inappropriate and harsh. That’s why I dropped my comments and why I get upset with some of my emails. It does hurt me to read your blog that I really like BTW, and find comments written about me, some really bad ones that I don’t think I deserve, about something that wasn’t directed at you. I get a lot of emails and I do try to write back to everyone but sometimes I get behind. Sometimes an email will upset me and I find myself unable to write anyone back. The particular email that I wrote in my blog mentioned that I should do specific things that I had written in my post don’t work for me, and yet he was emailing me with advice about something that I had just written does not work for me. I was upset me that someone would glance quickly over my site, obviously not even reading it, and think what I need is dieting advice. I’ve been on every diet. It’s not a matter of “oh she needs to learn to accept suggestions” because, for me, it has nothing to do with food. I know the steps it takes to lose weight, I know what to do, I even lost 70 pounds 2 years ago and it's all in my blog. Obviously I CAN do it. My blog has nothing to do with what diet I’m on and oh if only someone would give me the magical advice that would solve all my problems. Carrots for a snack, yes that will make me thin once and for all. I don’t think everyone who reads me will understand what I mean and what I write about and that’s okay I suppose though I’m still very hurt by what I’ve found here in your comments. I liked your email, I really did. I loved that you shared your story with me (that’s my favorite thing from all my emails) and I love to read so I appreciated your book suggestions, though I’ve read Dr Phil’s book and have tried weightwatchers, the very beginning of my blog is about my experiences with weightwatchers. Your email mentioned that I shouldn’t imply that we’re alike but I believe, much like Erin’s (from Lose the Buddha) philosophy, that dieters, especially blog writers are very different but incredibly we are much the same, so much more alike than we are different. That’s why when she was given a book deal she wanted to have a selection of authors telling their experiences rather than just her own. She wanted everyone to see we are all alike, deep down our struggles are the same, though we are very different and do different things. I’m very sorry that I didn’t respond to your email faster and longer, although I was very busy and had many emails to read and respond to, I really should have. I didn’t realize that people with such sweet thoughtful emails would think my post was about them. I apologize.

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