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Weigh-in Jan 15th

My weigh-in was a little disappointing taken consideration of the fact that I ate almost zero carbs all week and was pretty strict. I exercised but to be honest it was very minimal and what little walking I did do wasn't at a very aerobic rate.

Weight on Saturday Jan 15th was 70.2 kilos, total net loss for the week was 400 grams.

Total loss since Christmas 2.2 kilos.

Through my comment section a few days ago I was turned onto something called The Wendie Plan, which in a way gives structure to my whole more food day idea. So I am now going to incorporate her idea into my Weight Watchers program. I had to tailor my own points program because it appears when Wendie came up with this plan she did so on the old points system that gave you a range of points to use over the week. What I've done is use her idea and make up my own range by taking my entire 140 points allowance for the week (20 points daily) and it looks like this:

Saturday: 17
Sunday: 22
Monday: 18
Tuesday: 32
Wednesday: 17
Thursday: 22
Friday: 19

So there you have it, my way to fight the body's desire to shut down weight loss by thinking I am starving it.


Anonymous said…
Hi rebeka . . . Michele sent me.

Losing weight is a bitch. All through my twenties I was one of those annoying people who never had to worry about my weight because I could eat ANYTHING and EVERYTHING and still remain stick thin. But boy oh boy is it different now that I am in my thirties.

Because I just don't do diets, I find the best way for me to keep the weight off is to limit my alcohol intake (to no more than 3 pints of beer a week) and to exercise three times a week (for an hour at a time).

I can highly recommend Matt Roberts - he has a load of books out with great exercise/eating plans.

Anyway, good luck with it all.

Kimbofo (
Just read your comment on my blog. And in response to "how could you possibly have time to solely blog about your neighbours?" - well I only post about once a week and I'm a quick typer ;)

You're the second person to post that as a comment! I think I'll have to put a second disclaimer at the top saying "I spend a maximum of half an hour a week on this blog" ;)

Anyway, liked your blog - good luck with the diet! I wish I had the willpower!
that sounds pefectly logical. the body does hold on tight when it thinks it is being deprived. silly body. doesn't it know we're here to help it. to help it be it's very very bestest. silly old body.

you're doing great. don't worry and enjoy!
Kimberly said…
Hello, I came over today from honestyrain's place (via Michele's Sunday comment game). I'll be back to read more, and seek inspiration for my own (much-needed) weight loss.

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