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Wherein I realize that Whinging /= Winning

In waiting for the bus yesterday I met an angel.

There was a little old lady waiting already when I got there and she started to ask me when the next bus was arriving. I told her how to read her bus schedule because she said she didn't know how or found it hard to read and then she just kept chatting to me.

I couldn't be more thankful that she did.

She was incredible. She started talking about her eyesight and her age and that was how it all began. She looked really good for 76, of course she had wrinkles and she said she wasn't pleased with the ones on her arms, but she seemed very happy. In fact, a lot more happier than I have been feeling.

She said she had recently taken a class on natural healing and she really enjoyed it. Because she was so nice I took the opportunity to tell her about my weight loss journey. She seemed very impressed with the amount I've already lost and asked me how I ended up putting on so much weight to begin with. I told her that I had been through a very unhappy time in my life and she nodded her head.

She said she recently lost one of her good friends to cancer, and for years all she can remember is how stressed her friend was.

She told me not to lose too much weight as she thought I had beautiful skin and shouldn't stress myself so much.

She told me about a doctor she had recently heard speaking on the topic of stress and cancer. She had a little notebook she carries around with her where she had written the name of the doctor and she pulled it out to show me. She said she was going to look for her book.

After speaking to her I felt a lot of worry lift from my shoulders. I couldn't believe how bad I was feeling before and all I really needed was to get some perspective.

She reminded me how young I am, and how eating healthy and taking care of myself are so important, and not just taking care of the outside but the inside as well.

Also, before I left the house I grabbed some Shape Magazines to try to get myself motivated, and I found an old one with a month-long boot camp feature. I immediately thought of Kimba and decided that I am going to do this. It has a bit of running involved, but when I feel that running is too much I will just do brisk walks. There is a detailed list of strength exercises as well that I can do at home. So it is decided, February is my bootcamp month. And that starts first thing today.

Since my work schedule can interfere with my wanting to workout, I've made myself a deal.

A condition of my bootcamp is that I am not allowed to use the internet on the day after any day that I have not completed my bootcamp task, so I have all day up until bedtime to do it. This will be hard because I love to blog and read all of the blogs on my blogroll, but it will keep me honest. Some of the days look very hard so I am going to allow myself to stop halfway through if my neck or health feels challenged in any way. So don't worry about me.

Food-wise I will continue to follow my adapted Wendie Plan and I'm sure adding all the exercise will allow me the occasional treat without seeing major damage on the scale.

So I am now in bootcamp mode. Wish me luck.

And I leave you with a picture from our walk, not the one of me as I loathe it.

More ducks


i'm glad you met her too. her wisdom has reached far beyond what she likely ever thought. if you see her again, tell her a girl in canada says thanks.

good luck with boot camp!
Robin said…
You have totally inspired me. I'm so glad you stopped by via Michele. I have blogrolled you, baby! I'm journeying myself and I need the inspiration. You did meet an angel today, and you shared her with me. Thank you!

Oh yes, I wouldn't mind hearing about that BootCamp... if you find the time.
. said…
Hello, Michele sent me. Yes, I'm still working on the 2nd round!! But I was on vacation, so that's my excuse!!

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