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Come, to Homercles

Today is my 3 month check-up with the spinal surgeon, and I really hope he has something to say about the knots in my shoulders and the pain in my sternum. If he acts like it is no big deal I think I may get upset. I am bringing mr. ralph along with me again because I need him there.

I think I need some sort of massage or manipulation to help with the shoulder pain, and I don't think it should come out of my pocket. I also think I need some reassurance that what I'm feeling is normal, and nothing to worry about.

This guy spends approximately 15 minutes, maybe less, with me every 3 months and I'm left out in the cold when it comes to the everyday pain that is my life.

Thanks to all of you that said you liked the new look. I'm not completely sold on it yet to be honest. Today I spent a considerable amount of time learning some new css styles so that I could change the link colors so that the content part is different to the side bar. It worked, but I don't like the way it looks still.

The time has already come when there are hot cross buns in the stores and we love them. We bought some and although the package we got was already going stale, I still love them. I have to be careful and buy the mini ones and read the label because one bun could range up to 5 to 6 points if I'm not careful. Small ones are 2 points, so a doable snack if I don't eat half the package.


Anonymous said…
oops! me bad! Try I think i may have left the au off last time! I hope that you get some sort of relief from the dr this time. That sucks that you have pain all the time. Does it stop you from exercising?
Argy said…
Oh I would most probably cause him pain by kicking his ankle. Then we could exchange experiences ;)

And I love the new look too. I only did not mention it earlier because I am jealous of all fancy, nice looking blogs, since I know nothing of how to make mine look cute too ;p
doctors are idiots. that's why i decided not to be one. i'm sorry you are in pain and i hope you are given the support you need. demand it if you must.

i'm afraid you and i must part ways, however , on the issue of hot cross buns. i think they are vile and would not eat one if it were the last morsel of food on earth. i'd eat my own foot first. i'd eat your own foot first. and i'm a vegetarian so you KNOW i don't like hot cross buns! ;)

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