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The other day I was so desperate for a beer, I snuck into the football stadium and ate the dirt under the bleachers

I watched the first episode of The Biggest Loser last night. I would link to it, but since it is over in America I don't want to read anything that may ruin it for me.

My conclusion is that although I found it very entertaining, the show really doesn't do anything to actually help the viewers who may have weight problems themselves. It is totally unrealistic to lose 10-20 pounds in your first week on a diet, no matter how big you are. It will be interesting to see how they progress in the weeks to come.

Also can I complain that Caroline the hostess, looks like she could stand to go on a diet herself? Ouch, that was bitchy even for me, but one would expect they'd at least have a healthy looking host.

These people had a personal trainer and were working out every day, probably for hours on end. If I did that I wouldn't have to even worry about the food I put in my mouth, the weight would fall off me. But alas, I am not that active.

But did I like it? Oh yes! Will I watch it again? I'm addicted already.


Anonymous said…
From Taylore @ I caught one episode of that show, and I was upset because both teams had worked incredibly hard, and the losing team was crying over having to send 1 person home. I kept thinking, is this what weight loss is really about? Still it made intriguing television, and I suppose that is what it's about :)
i think the last episode is going to air soon over here...ya? i didn't watch much of it because i felt like it was just awful to make people leave. you know? everyone should be able to stay and benefit from the advice, expertise and support. i preferred dr phil's weight loss deal. everyone benefitted.

and yes, funny to have caroline host when she is the same size as half of the contestants.
brent said…
i find the show to be kind of motivating in a way. the mindset of the participants to not give up and keep pushing, is something i think about sometimes when i'm working out. plus these people actually DID IT! they made a decision to do something. the trainers list the diet and exersize plan on the website and discuss the fact that many parts of it are not realistic but that you can take away bits and pieces and use it in your own plan. its a pretty interesting show! i hope they go for another season.

like someone else mentioned, its sure hard to sit there watching the show and eating a bag of chips while these people are working their butt off.
Denise said…
I really disliked that show (only watched a couple of times) because of the way they made people who'd "only" lost a couple of pounds feel like losers. Hello? That's a HEALTHY weight loss for a week, not the wholly unrealistic and unhealthy 8 or 10 they were losing each week. Ugh!
Josh said…
I thought it was pretty cool that they had a pudgy host. Kinda sad for Caroline Rhea to sink to this level, though. Reality Show Host? You used to be funny, Caroline!
Argy said…
I think they are planning a version of biggest looser in greek telly too. I think it will be on in March. I am not sure how I will like it. I have read about it in so many blogs. The fact that still amazes me though is that there are people who are willing to go through such an amount of exposure for a quick fix.
Anonymous said…
Oh! O am so addicted and for a fat girl - I can eat this show for one hour a week and it contains no calories!!! I would love to be on a show like this. They are learning eating and exercise habits for life. Sure , they are losing weight faster than average but if yuo were given the chance to not work for 8/10 weeks so you can have all the fresh, healthy food you can eat and a personal trainer for 5 hours per day. I reckon any of us could lose that much!
Ms Gigglepuss said…
I've seen a few episodes and it has been entertaining...unfortunately I've missed a few episodes due to it being on during my aerobics/sculpt class!! Grrrrrrr! I'd love to be able to take off work for a few weeks and really devote the time to exercise that much, have the good food prepared, and have a personal trainer whip me into shape!!
theaddict said…
I know me too, too bad we all don't have that luxury, or the time/money to have our own personal trainers and chefs. We normal people have to do it with our own willpower.

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