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New Hair, new digs

new hair cut

Hello, hello. Yep, that's me with the big smile. It is a bit freakishly big, but I wanted to share my new haircut. Mr. ralph has voiced his disapproval. He wanted me badly to grow my hair long again. I had it long for a while back when we got married, but I just don't have it in me for the patience and the upkeep.

I like this style! I feel funky, I feel chick, I even feel thin.

I actually walked again yesterday afternoon, it was hot but it felt good. I will also dance tonight while out with the girls. I will boogie to help get rid of some of the extra I took on this week. I figure it is about 300 to 400 grams, and I can deal with that.

My shopping trip was fun and successful. I bought new and old clothes. I bought this fabulous dress to wear on our next date on Feb. 12th. We're going to Candela Flamenco Tablao It is the perfect thing. The price is not bad, and the dancing is very sensual. I'm hoping we get inspired. In the future I'd love to talk the hubs into a dance class, but that could be a long road ahead of me.

Anyway, I'll be posting a weigh-in tomorrow but I won't be actually going to my meeting. So I'll see you tomorrow? Catch ya later.

new hair 2


Natsthename said…
Your weight loss is fantastic and inspiring. Gives me hope.
And I love the haircut!

Michele sent me on her scavenger hunt, and I'm glad I came!
Shannin said…
I love the short hair. I'm in the process of growing mine out, but love my hair short....I am still looking for Michele's clue, though....
RisibleGirl said…
I L.O.V.E it! You look FAB-U-LOUS!
Ms Gigglepuss said…
Ooh, I love your hair! It's really cute :) Sometimes, I feel like chopping mine all off, but I'm not daring enough yet!
CynAnn said…
Hi I scavengered in from Micheles.
Your hair cut is wonderful.
Anonymous said…
Lynda here...

I love the hair! I too have a man who does not like me getting my hair cut but get it cut anyway. That cut really suits you!!
Argy said…
oooooooo sexy!!!!! SUCH a great new look!!!! I love it!!!! I so want to have my hair cut so short lately, But I JUST managed to grew it back longish, and my man loves it long. So I am holding till I get to the 70's...I swear, at 79.9 I am going to get my hair really really boy short!!!

And what's with men and long hair anyway? Must be reminding them the old days catchin us by the hair, pulling us into the cave. Well actually the last part is fine with me ...hehehe

And good on ya for walking again sweetness!
Anonymous said…
you know what you need funky chick? a big chunk of like purple or green or something. That would be sooo cool and i saw it on this hairdresser chick today.....very cool! good work on the walk too. Isn't it bloody humid? I think the rain last night broke all our grapes ; (
Kitty said…
Hi, Michele sent me =)

I've just started WW, had the big weigh in yesterday *shudder*. I've just published my personal staple recipe on my blog, if you're interested come over and have a peek.
Jenn said…
Love the hair cut!! My cousin cut her hair to about that length a couple years ago after having super long hair forever and it looked so wonderful on her. Made her look so much older and nice to not have her long hair over powering her small face all the time. Your cut looks fantastic on you as well :)
Anonymous said…
I love the cut. If I had the face for it, I'd do it myself. Having long hair is such a pain in the butt, not to mention that the boy would kill me if I cut it all off.

Awesome smile too! Makes me smile :D

Denise said…
I love, love, LOVE the new 'do! Men are always loving the long hair on women but so few women look good with annoying. LOL.
Sooz said…

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