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What about those red balls they have on car aerials so you can spot your car in a park. I think all cars should have them!

I woke up to a cold and wet morning. I am not up for walking/jogging out in the rain so I haven't exercised yet. Of course my attitude stinks and I had to reread the post from Monday at least twice.

Yesterday was my high-point day and for dinner I made pizzas, including the base! And I ate an entire pizza that was 9 1/2 points, it was yummy. And quite low when you think about the alternative of ordering out for one.

I'm really hoping this Wendie Plan works because the scale has not budged in the past 3 days. I'm still almost a kilo over my last recorded weight at Weight Watchers, which was where I found myself on Monday morning much to my dismay.

I know this could be because I ate the pizza around 8pm and flour has a way of sticking to me and not going anywhere for a while. Maybe that is why I feel so good when I go no-carb because carbs make me bloat.

Only a few weeks ago I was on top of the world and totally convinced that this remainder weight was going to just fall off in time for my anniversary on March 29. But it doesn't look like it is going to be easy for me.

I have some inside exercises I can do from my adapted bootcamp plan, and I also could ride the dinosaur incumbent bike for cardio if I really want to. Although I know it is not the best for big thighs, it will burn some energy. I just need to get my head around this. I need to accept the situation for what it is. What did I expect, that 800 grams was just going to disappear after a few days of eating right and exercising? I know better than that. It was a stupid idea to weigh myself this morning anyway. It is so defeatist.

Did I tell you guys that mr. ralph got the TA position he wanted at the University? In my self-absorbed state I think I forgot to mention that bit of great news. It isn't as high of pay as he thought it would be, but it is nearly twice what he was making as a regular tutor. This is definitely going to give us some breathing room, and look fantastic on his resume.

I also found some bargains yesterday at Kmart. I got a cute underwire Kayser bra for only $8, normal price was $22! I also bought a nice white bonds hoodie that was also a steal at half-price, and it is a size 10. My bra-size has decreased an entire cup size (whisper: now size 12B) and I really needed a new sexy bra. I have a few in my current size that are great for the everyday wear, but a girl needs something pretty.

Here is the recipe for 2 pizza bases (each base is 6 1/2 points on the WW AU plan):

2 Cups All Purpose Flour
1 sachet yeast (7 or 8 grams)
1/2 teaspoon sugar (you can use splenda)
pinch of salt
2 tablespoons olive oil

You mix the yeast, sugar, and salt in 3/4 cups of warm water and cover with plastic wrap for 5 minutes, making sure you see bubbles on the surface which lets you know if your yeast is active.

Then you mix the flour, oil, and yeast mixture together with your hands and then knead the dough on a floured surface for about 8 minutes, or until the dough is elastic. (If you can put your finger on it and the indentation bounces back your done.)

Then you cut it in half and then roll each individual base out. It doesn't have to be made into a round pizza either. You also don't have to roll it out too far, once you place it on your pan it can then be pressed with your fingers until it reaches the edges.

It is a thin crust, but it is yummy, and it takes only 20 minutes to bake.

If you make it let me know! Toodles.


Denise said…
I'm thinking that bras there must not be sized the same way as here because not even a Cabbage Patch doll would wear a "12" in bra band size over here. I'm hoping one day to be a 36 again, but I'll settle for 38 (because you can get 38s at Vickie's Secret).
Anonymous said…
Lynda here -

Firstly - don't forget that it will be much harder to shift the weight the nearer to goal you get and ... as I was the one who told you about the Wendie plan, I hope it works!!! lol

Congrats to mr ralph on getting the job and I hope your spirits lift soon.
CAD Monkey said…
I read about the Wendie Plan yesterday, and I decided I was all about the Super High Point day today.

Except I don't follow Weight Watchers, and I have no idea what equals how many points. :)

Try not to get too down about the last stubborn pounds; I hear they're the hardest to lose. Someday I hope to find out for myself!!

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