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Memory Lane in pictures

I was bored this morning and looking at my old websites and decided to post some pictures of myself through the years.

Please take a trip with me down memory lane. I have to apologize firstly that I don't have full body pics to show you because back when I posted these pics on the internet I was damn sure that no one was seeing the real 'fat' me.

In looking at the way I edited these pictures I can see how much I was ashamed of my body.

I cleverly show almost nothing except my face. The original un-cut pictures may still exist on our other PC, but alas it is broken and I haven't access to them. So here we go, prepare yourself for a bumpy ride.

1993, The year I graduated high-school. I'm pretty sure this hair-style was actually cool back then, and the shirt I cannot be blamed for. My mother chose it, and although you can't see it, I am wearing a short purple suede skirt that I had to have. I thought I was fat, but I probably was a normal weight.

Next stop 1997, I have really dark hair although I wasn't into the goth look. My roommate at the time needed to take a picture of herself for thing or another and we goofed around taking shots of ourselves. I think I was about a size 14, I can't really be sure.

Now we arrive in 1999. I am standing next to one of my old roommates from college and one of my dearest friends at the time. She no longer is in contact with me, and that is another long story altogether. I do miss her sometimes still. That hair is awful, and my face even worse. I don't like anything about this picture. I know I was a size 14 then because I had just lost some weight and just bought a size 14 jeans for that camping trip.

This is the last of those from 1999 and probably my favorite picture of myself. I don't think I'm very thin, but I loved my hair. I wish I could go back in time and talk myself out of ever changing it.

As you can see in this one taken in 2000, the weight had just begun to pile on. I believe the jean size here is a 16, and the pudgy cheeks really give it away. The guy in the picture was cut out on purpose. He is a slimebag to end all slimebags. Again, another story.

Another one in 2000, and that year was one of the worst years of my life; I gained a lot of weight. In this picture I am still very heavy, but this was done with a webcam at my friend's house in Germany and I only like it because I loved the red hair and thought my face somehow had a thin appearance. If you could see the full length photos of this time you probably would congratulate me on how cleverly I disguised all that weight in this photograph.

Here I am taking a picture to show mr. ralph across the miles. This was just after I started losing some of the weight, and since then I have been either maintaining or losing slowly to get to where I am today. I liked the hair, but again you can see how badly I want to hide the fat.

This is me and mr. ralph at mardi gras in New Orleans in the spring of 2001. I have almost completely cut myself out of the photo. Of course this is because I couldn't bear to look at myself. Pictures really do tell a story, and these tell the sad story of how much I disliked myself back then.

And lastly one from 2001 after I moved in with mr. ralph here in Australia. I was down to a US size 16, and an AU size 18 then. Seems like so long ago.


Robin said…
Two things immediately came to mind: (1) you have always had GREAT HAIR! I mean it. I loved each one, including the high school "do." (2) Your smile is contagious. Keep losing weight, never loose that great grin of yours!
Denise said…
Beautiful pics all! I'm also very guilty of never showing anything below the neck in my photos and, frequently, not even the neck (because of the extra chins). Ah, well...if that's what it takes to keep us happy, so be it! :)
carmilevy said…
Howdy! Michele sent me, and I'm glad she did. I echo everyone else's thoughts: great hair. And great writing, and great spirit to this blog.

I'll be back!
oh that was fun! thanks for sharing this trip down memory lane with us. i enjoyed it a lot and agree that you always have nice hair and that you look great in all of these pics.
Hey Rebeka!

I have to echo these sentiments! You are extremely photogenic and have a captivating smile. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. And your hair! Pwoooar, even when it's supposed to look bad (school pics) it doesnt!

Oh, and that necklace you loved on my site, was $2 from the cheap shop called 'Mavrix'. I am kicking myself for not buying the aquamarine one too.

Now, back to reading your blog...

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