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On getting older

Email to my brother:
Can you believe I turn 30 soon?

I'm scared. Will I live through it?

His reply:

I did, so you should be alright. I had a really bad time with 30. I think it
is when you finally realize two things for the first time.
1. You are not a kid anymore.
2. You are going to die at some piont.
Be light in your heart and heavy on the love for people in your life and I
promise that you will be alright.
Love ya,
ms ralph's brother


Argy said…
I remember my 30th birthday. I actually remember the week before! I was devastated. I was in panic. I would not belong to the 20's anymore. I would have no excuse to be silly. I would officially be an adult. Perhaps I should even have kids!!!

The birthday itself was the nicest. And now, at 36, closer to 40 than to 30, and a lot far from the 20's, I can say that they were all right! Something happens and when you get in your 30's you enjoy life more. You feel things more intensely. You want to make the most of your time!

Don't stress over this! You will be fine! And it was so good to come back to all these posts! And all these photies too!!!!
kimba said…
Wise words from your brother there :)

I loved turning 30, because it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be. In fact it was much better! I still felt young, but much wiser and much more balanced and settled than I had during the adventures, upheaval and angst of my 20's.

33 is freaking me out a bit though (that's what I'll be this year). Suddenly I feel like we should be having kids and it scares the crapola out of me. Eep.
Anonymous said…
Your 30s will be wonderful - mine were. Now.. I'm 48 and that freaks me out terribly. I can't hide the wrinkles and find its all I see - even although, apparently others don't see them?? Make the most of your wonderful young age!

i loved turning 20, loved turning thirty, but 36 scared me because forty! forty is next and i seriously thought i had like decades til FORTY came along. ack!

nothing wrong with forty but it IS forty!!! and now it's so close.

Anonymous said…
I couldn't wait to turn thirty. For a long time no one took me seriously because I looked younger than my age and my age started with a "2" -- turning 30, I thought, would get me some respect!

I'm now a few years into my thirties, and I still get carded for clubs and asked how long it has been since I graduated high school. The difference is that now I get a kick out of their faces when I say "about fifteen years."

Your brother has a good point -- 30 is just a number... it's how you feel that counts. :)

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