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Period bloat

Oh yes I know. Everyone's favorite subject. But I can't help myself. I have to discuss it. I have gained a kilo overnight of bloat. It doesn't help that I had pasta and some of mr. ralph's evil fried rice for dinner last night, at 8:30 because I worked until 7:30.

It doesn't help that there is an enormous amount of sodium in black bean sauce no matter how yummy and how many vegetables you have them put in.

It doesn't help at all.

So I am wondering. Should I use the no-weigh card tomorrow so that the bloat will not ruin my mood?

I don't know. All I know to do is drink a shit-load of water today and hope for the best.

In other, better news, I am going on a two-night stay in the Mclaren Vale for my anniversary on Easter weekend.

I am so excited! We went there last year but were unable to stay because we made our plans last minute. This time however, we called the Mclarens on the Lake Resort and booked a two-night romantic package. They even have a panoramic view. It looks peaceful.

We get to eat in their restaurant for 2-courses and have a breakfast hamper delivered to our room all-inclusive in the price.

I am such a lucky girl.


Argy said…
Your weekend will be fantastic in such a gorgeous place. Oh how I envy the great australian outdoors!
ANd I would use my n-weigh card. No need to upset yourself with a number that is not real! Unless you wake up tomorrow and the bloat has been washed out by all the water you drunk today :) Then I'd take my chance. You know your body, you will know what to do!
Anonymous said…
Hello! I found you over in Canada at Honestyrain :) Oh South Australia is so beautiful - I'm up in boring old Sydney LOL! I hope you have a brilliant time. And can I just say, your weight loss stats are nothing short of marvellous? How proud you must be!
Anonymous said…
i hate food. lol. i keep meaning to eat better and i think i am doing better but oh it takes so long to retrain your eating habits.

your trip sounds so nice. have a lovely time and i hope you'll shae pics when you get back?

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