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A summary of yesterday

The day started off really well because my body had somehow managed to go back to normal and I pulled out a one kilo loss for the week. I was very pleased with that, and the girls at my weight watcher's meeting had a present for me! I was soooooo surprised. I had invited them to come out for drinks with me and was pleased that they said they would come, they didn't have to buy me a present as well.

But they got me a beautiful vase. I haven't photographed it yet, but it is in the plans.

Friday night mr. ralph's friend that moved to Melbourne called and said he would be flying in and could come out as well to celebrate with me. It was very nice to see him.

The dinner went well, except the dish I ordered was a seafood soup which consisted of seafood floating in heavy cream; not the most weight-conscious choice, but I managed to eat the seafood and bits of potato and leave the cream behind, and it took over an hour for us to get our food from when we ordered.

After dinner we all went to fumo blu where the night really got interesting. The friend of mr. ralph's that I have had a lot of differences with managed to tell me how he thinks I am a good and loyal wife and he has decided that I am worthy of his trust. This was a good thing since a few months ago he told me he didn't think I was good enough for mr. ralph. He told me that he has really missed our company and apologized for what he said, although he didn't exactly remember saying those words. Alcohol was the reason behind both of these conversations, but I felt much better after we had this little chat. I don't and probably wont ever truly like this guy 100%, but at least he is trying.

I got told a billion times how gorgeous I look. Strangers even complimented me on the boa. You could say I was floating on top of the world with all the attention.

One of mr. ralph's friends kept saying how brilliant I looked over and over again. He said it so many times that at the end of the night he felt the need to clarify to us that he wasn't trying to crack on to me. It was nice to have all my hard efforts recognized. It was a sweet compliment, and I told him I knew him well enough to know he wouldn't try to have a go at his friend's wife.

A few people seemed to not enjoy themselves as much as everyone else did, but I told myself that I wasn't going to allow other people to bother me and let it ruin my night. I figure we are all adults and if they wanted to go somewhere else it wouldn't have bothered me. I truly just wanted people around me that wanted to be there.

I drank a little too much, and have eaten a horribly fatty lunch today, but I don't care. You only have a 30th birthday weekend once in your life. I will be pleased if I maintain my weight this week. I'm sure I'll eat healthy for the rest of it. In case there is now confusion, my birthday is on Monday the 28th, and it seems I get to celebrate a few times.

Now I will leave you with some of my favorite photos from the night.

birthday dinner
Early in the night, me and mr. ralph's brother at dinner.

Drinking a Moulin Rouge
My second cocktail, called a Moulin Rouge. It was delish.

baby in the water
Me next to the aquarium. Very artsy shot.

sarah, denise and bec
Me and two of my girlfriends. Lovely girls they are.

What you said, must have been funny
Me and Dave at a place called "Elysium".


Anonymous said…
Congratulations, and happy birthday! You look lovely and radiant, just as a woman in her 30's should look.
Kathryn said…
Glad to hear you had such a fun night. As anon said, you look radiant, such a dazzling smile. Btw mr ralph's brother is a hottie.
Argy said…
See? Everything turned out great...and you looked hot babe! And also had a great loss too!!!
I particularly liked the "artsy" photo!!!!
Happy birthday Doll!

You look stunning and radiating happiness!

Mr Ralphs brother is indeed a hottie!
Robin said…
Happy Birthday to US!!!! (Thought I'd get that one in now, since I may be suddenly wisked away on a red-eye to Vegas to celebrate the day...well, I can dream, can't I?)
Anonymous said…
So glad it turned out well. You look great - Happy Birthday!
kimba said…
Happy Belated Birthday, sorry I'm late. It looks like you had a great night - you looked gorgeous. Absolutely glowing! :)
Robin said…
Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Woo! Happy Birthday!! Looking great and eating well are great gifts, so I'm with you -- don't knock it. The decade birthdays deserve a little extra celebration. :)
AliRose said…
I have to agree with everyone here, you really did look amazing! Happy Birthday!
Anonymous said…
You look fabulous! Love the collar bones :)

Happy Belated BDay btw.
Anonymous said…
UMM........i came on here to say that Mr Ralph's bro is hot too!!!! But I think that you are way cute too!! in a "not trying to crack on to you" kind of way ; )

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