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Sometimes a Doughnut is just a Doughnut

I think the craving for a doughnut began on the weekend. I'm not sure what I was doing, probably watching TV, but I wanted one. What I should have done is got one on my Super High Point day and been done with it, but I didn't.

I even remember telling mr. ralph that I wanted one and he chirped in, "me too." But we didn't buy one. I looked at the grocery store but all they had was the 6-pack, and I couldn't see wasting the others. And The coffee shop next to our grocery store was closed.

The past chapter I've read of the book is about legalizing food. The authors suggest that in order to conquer our fear of food we need to legalize it. They say we should go and buy large quantities (an amount that you won't be able to consume in a matter of days) of foods that you had once called "forbidden" and that by being surrounded by an ample supply we will eventually stop craving it.

This approach actually sounds like it may work. But I still don't think I am willing to go out and buy 5 bags of dorritos and a few dozen doughnuts.

But what I did do yesterday when I got to work is buy myself a chocolate covered doughnut. I was still craving it, and I was actually hungry. I ate it and enjoyed every mouthful, I feel freed of the desire for it now.

I did an experiment in the morning and ate a bowl full of weetbix (healthy fiber-rich low gi cereal) with skim milk instead of my regular serving of protein for breakfast. I did this to see if I was actually satisfied longer on protein. And the result? Eggs and bacon or lean sausages for breakfast really do keep my hunger at bay for a lot longer than the same amount of points for a high-fibre cereal breakfast.

I don't even remember how many weight watcher points doughnuts are, I know their on the high end, but somehow I don't care. [postscript - large doughnuts are 7 1/2 points, and I still managed to stay within my allotted points for the day]

I've got a gripe about Weight Watchers. You know lately there are a bunch of newbies at my WW meeting and I'm getting a little frustrated.

Over the past month, I arrive at my normal time of 9:30 (when the meeting starts), and end up in line for the entire time. At one time I'd get there and be weighed in and sit down with time to spare before the leader began her spiel. I know I should try to come earlier, but something tells me it won't make much difference. I'll still be waiting in a long line.

And what about the topics? Choosing low-fat snacks?

Um, I think I'm way past that ladies.

Why can't we have a WW meeting specifically designed for those of us who have been members for 6 months or more where you aren't allowed to attend if you are a new member? That would be heaven! We could all talk about the challenges you face as you begin to see real differences in your body, and the woes of trying to lose those last few kilos.

I'm thinking of writing the head office to see if this idea can at least be given some thought at their next leaders meeting. I'm sure there are enough of us that would be interested in attending this separate meeting a little later in the day on Saturday if they could/would devote the leaders to work it.

I'd even be interested in working it!

The team leader at work I despise sent an email I'd written her to my team leader during the week. Admittedly the way I wrote the email was very brass and you can tell that I was a bit ticked off when I wrote it. But I was pretty surprised that she sent it to him, I hadn't even noticed the CC line with his name on it.

We had our one on one yesterday and I got to hear about how he thinks I need to work on my communication skills. It is just her. I absolutely can't stand her and I think my communication skills are fine with everyone else.

In the end after about an hour (we should only take 30 mins) he told me that he thinks I am a passionate person. After he said that, I began to think. I do believe that is a great word to describe me.

But I am beginning to think that my employer is going to try to come up with any reason not to allow me to apply for the new complex role.


kimba said…
I'm with you on the WW meetings, that's why I stopped going. I was getting nothing at all out of the meetings any more, and it seemed we were always going over the same stuff. Which is essential for newbies (just like it was essential for me at one stage) but when you've been at it for over a year it gets really old.

I figured that the only value I was getting from attending WW was paying for them to weigh me and tell me what I already knew! Especially since my leader was always too busy to answer any one-on-one queries in the time that I had (I always had to get to work). That's why I started just using my blog for 'accountability' and stopped paying to attend meetings. I do miss the camaraderie and support of meetings, but these days I get more support online to be honest!

But your idea of having WW meetings for those who've been at it for a while is a great one.
Anonymous said…
Oh I laugh when I read about your work comments as I too work in a call centre. Luckily ours is not so anal as it was when I started - in fact we are now treated as intelligent adults... but we have those pesky "one on one" sessions and mine also run for over an hour when they are meant to be 30 minutes. After reading about some things in your work though I feel better about my situation. We don't worry about call time just grade of service. I also agree about the WW meetings and all the new poeple. That's why I stopped going and never went back.
Robin said…
I'm with you the WW thing. Yes, the meetings were great... emphasis on WERE! After about six months, I was really bored with the same "choose and lose" pep talk. I would love it if they had meetings for non-newbs.

By the way... I decided to try the Mandy Plan. I'm freaking out! I got very comfortable with flex points... and knowing they were always there for the weekend, or for those surprise cakes that show up at work. Today I had to pass up cake, and Sunday is my low day (I planned Saturday for my high day) and the husband wants to dine out for V-day! I'm trying really hard, but I'm still in the early stages, so I have no results to boost me!

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