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Work makes me sick, quite literally

It is 7:30 on Saturday morning and I should be sleeping since I was out last night until 2:30 am to hear Hairy Lemon play. But instead I am here, awake, and consumed with thoughts about work.

Work should not be on my mind on a Saturday, especially when I should be sleeping. It is just wrong.

I actually cried last night when I was telling mr. ralph about how work is making me feel. I feel like crying right now.

For the past two days I've been asked to assist in an area that I am not an expert in. Actually to be honest they trained me for two days about a year ago and have left me to sink or swim. The thing is they have these people called Work Place Trainers that are meant to be available to me (or anyone else) that needs help, but when I go to them for help I am always greeted with a shrug, a slight eye-roll, or they outright ignore me and I feel guilty for interrupting them.

I tried to tell my team leader how I was feeling yesterday but all he could say to me was how it shouldn't be that way. Well, I know it shouldn't be that way, but it is.

I also shouldn't be full of stress and back pain because my job is actually making me sick either, but I am.

I know I need to address the issue again, but I don't really want to. I can see my team leader's face now and I wish I could just do my job and not be plagued with this. I have a feeling that I will be asked to do this more and more and I can't have this kind of stress hanging over me.

I know that I have a personal problem with asking for help, and yes that is my problem, but it becomes a serious issue when the people who are meant to be helping me make me feel as if they'd rather be watching paint dry than attend to my "stupid" questions. They actually make me feel like a fool.

This really sucks, and I doubt that my complaints will be taken seriously. I don't think anything is going to change and that is the worse part.

I need to find a way to not take it personally and still do my job without getting stressed out like this.

Any ideas?

I'm blank.

Weigh-in update:

Today I weighed in at 69.5/ 153 (good to be back in the 60's) and had a lost of 700 grams/1.5 pounds.

I believe the result was a combination of exercise and the Wendie Plan, and thanks to the loss I'm going to do it again this week. As long as I'm losing, me and the Wendie Plan will remain friends.


Robin said…
Congratulations on your loss this week! You really inspire me!

I feel for you, with the work situation. I'm in a pickle too, thought the details aren't at all similar. We just have to push forward. I wish there were a magical pill that we could take on our way out the door... a pill that would allow us to leave "it" at the door.
Anonymous said…
Don't ever underestimate how work can make you sick. I worked in a really suck job when I first moved to Auckland - I cried all the time and actually shook with fear at work. I resigned (took a lot of courage) but man... what a life changer that was to go to a normal environment!!! Do try and get it sorted, life is too short for that crap - and I should know as I now work in a call centre and know the pressures we have. BUT luckily where I work they take this seriously, unlike your workplace. You are worth more, remember that.

Argy said…
Work is always a stress factor. When I started my own business, I thought that I would be so much better off being myself's boss and having noone to tell me what to do. I was wrong, because now I have my clients to "dictate" me in a way.
The trick is to leave these things outside your door at home. I still have to learn to do this, but I have been told that it works! ;)
Good loss too!!!
Anonymous said…
oh baby! is it worth it? is there somewhere else that you can work? i feel so bad for you!

well done on the loss though!
Anonymous said…
so beck and rebeka, i am seeing a bit of a trip here. Rebeka and I could jump in a car here in adelaide and come to melbourne, pick up beck on the way and join lady misstree? Would the town know what had hit them??????
Anonymous said…
It doesn't sound like there is anyone at work you can go to for advice, which would have been my next stop, were I in your shoes.

Is there someone that you have to report your results to? I wonder if it might work if you give them an exaggerated estimated time for completion, then then they perk up their ears, you'll have a forum to discuss the obstacles you are getting no assistance with.

It truly sounds like you are between a rock and a hard place, though -- no wonder you are so upset! :( I wish I could say something better than "hang in there!"

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