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Bootcamp, What bootcamp?

I've done 2 whole workouts this week. That's right, 2. One cardio workout on Monday morning, and I did some strength exercises yesterday afternoon. My husband did ask me this afternoon if I wanted to go for a walk and I turned him down.

I am miserably tired. I feel like all of my energy is sapped from me at work at the moment and I have nothing else to give.

The good news is I've kept to my eating plan for the most part and hopefully that will enable me to still have a weight loss this week.

If I don't step it up I won't be able to reach my goal by the end of March like I so badly want to do.

I've received a few comments at work about how nice I'm looking lately, but nothing would be sweeter than reaching my goal by my anniversary.

I know that when I am this tired it wouldn't really benefit my health to push myself to exercise; I know I need to be good to my body, but I wish that it wasn't this way.

I want so badly to be able to do it all.


Argy said…
Don't I just understand what you say! But hang in there. Take care of yourself. And you have enough stress at work, the remaining of your day should be calm and sweet so you will regroup. I have faith in you. You will pull this one!
Denise said…
Listen to your body, girly girl! If you're tired, scale back and wait until you're ready for a higher level of activity. You're doing just fine.
Robin said…
I can relate to the anxiety... there is a certain rush that comes along with each weight loss... the more the scale drops, the more in control you feel. Let me try to give you a word of advice... keep in mind I lost a ton of weight (literally) and put lots of it back on... here's why I think that happened...
I put so much emphasis on the scale and the compliments and the appearance that I didn't focus on the internal changes. The points were a daily tool and the results became my god. If I lost, I was holy... if I gained, I was a sinner. This time around I have vowed to focus on change... physical is good, but mental is better. What food choices do I make? What activity do I participate in that makes me healthy? If you can grasp the changes and take pride in your choices, you won't become depressed over the measurments. In the long run, you want to maintain your healthy lifestyle. Not everyone gains their weight back... but the most successful people changed their habits and let their bodies follow.
As always, you inspire me and I keep my positive thoughts directed your way!
Anonymous said…
i skipped a day on the weekend. ugh. felt guilty about it but then thought, what good will that do? i couldn't go. kid was sick, didn't have the energy. it's better to do what feels best sometimes. but it's so hard to not go.
Crayonsetc said…
Oh, you definitely have to listen to what your body is telling you. Just keep sticking to your plan and you will get there!!

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