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An entry in 2 parts

Part I: The Intruder

So we are casually sitting watching TV on Sunday afternoon when mr. ralph notices something rather odd in our office and calls out to me.

"Hey, Bec, you have got to come and see this!"

Me: "What is it?"

Mr. Ralph: "Just come here, QUICK! You need to see what Buckley found."

Creeping up

Me: "Oh please don't tell me it is a spider...."

And low and behold what did I see? An intruder. Sitting in our office just as easy as you please was a siamese cat that lives a few houses down.

We were shocked and so was Buckley. Sometime during the day he came in through our back door which we had left ajar for Buckley. We have no idea how long he was there. I picked him up and although he let me put him outside, he was not happy with it. Siamese cats really don't like people they don't know touching them.

The Intruder

Bucks on the other hand was pretty calm. All he did was thoroughly inspect the room for about 15 minutes afterwards making sure he was gone.

I still can't believe the cat was probably in our house for most of the afternoon, even while the 3 of us had a nap and Buckley didn't even notice he was there. All I can guess is he followed Buckley home and wandered in and fell asleep. Sort of like Goldilocks.

Part II: The Beautiful Place called Waterfall Gully

The following pictures were taking on our hike this Sunday. As you can see, the views are well worth the sweat.

The road less travelled by

Waterfall Gully

Waterfall Gully 2

peaceful setting

magnificent views

And finally, if you aren't sick of it already, here is a picture taking this morning of how my hair ended up:

Red hair


Anonymous said…
i love the haircut! you are looking so foxy! :)
Anonymous said…
silly cat, gorgeous view and love the hair. here's the thing, you're cute, the hair just adds to it (no matter what color it is).
Anonymous said…
thanks for the site recommendation. i liked it very much!
Shannin said…
I love the hair -- very flattering. I know my dogs would totally let me know if another 4-legged creature entered our abode....
Shrinking Girl said…
That's a gorgeous colour, you look terrific!!
Argy said…
Oh now I am sooooo green! What a gorgeous place to go hiking!!! This is what I really dislike about living in Athens in winter. To get to such a gorgeous place to hike would take us at least a 2 hr drive and driving for 4 hrs on a day trip just ain't my cup of tea! Thankfully when summer comes I at least get to enjoy gorgeous beaches :)
I like the hair too. Your smile is unbeatable you know. And I think that the hair will light up a bit after a few washes...bleach tends to reappear some.
kimba said…
Your Buckley is one cool character isn't he? My furry kid would FREAK if there was another cat in her house ;)

Gorgeous waterfall. Reminds me of all the hiking and bushwalking I did with my family when I was growing up. I definitely don't do enough of that these days.

And your hair turned out fabulous, but then it always looks great! (mind you, I didn't see it 'pineapple yellow', heh)
Denise said…
I do really like the darker hair - it brings out your eyes and is very pretty with your coloring. I like what Shannon said about throwing some highlights on top and around your face, if you like.
Robin said…
What a beautiful kitty! Are you going to keep it?
Argy said…
I hope you are fine and partying! I have been missing your posts!!!

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