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Be quiet, Brain, or I'll stab you with a Q-tip

I feel pretty bad about the weight gain, although I didn't really want to admit it. The main reason it bothers me is now it will take me another week longer to get down to my goal weight. I know it takes a long time to lose weight, hell, I've been doing this for 3 years, but I am seriously just sick of it. I want to get there and start worrying about maintenance. You know what I mean?

Anyway, so I was a tad bit blue about that. But I'm also upset about money. I hate watching every penny and because we have my Birthday drinks this coming Saturday that is what I have to do. I don't want to be worried about how many cocktails I can buy because it is my Birthday! I know someone may be willing to buy me a few, but it is not the point.

Also, mr. ralph really doesn't like my new hair color and last night I thought I'd ask him to see if it was just going to take some getting used to and he said, "I really don't like it." That is it folks. He hates it. And it took me practically all damn day on Friday to get it this way, plus I bought some expensive blonde shampoo yesterday to help (so they say) tone down any brassiness, and he hates it.

But you know what? I say stuff it. I am not going to color over it for him.

I mean, if I looked cheap and tawdry or just plain horrible wouldn't one of you guys tell me? Say you would. Even if it is in an email. If one of you agrees with mr. ralph and you think it really doesn't suit me, drop me a line. Otherwise I will be blonde, at least for a few weeks. When it is time to do the regrowth I will then need help, maybe the professional kind, and I will have to make a choice at that point if it is worth the investment to keep it this way.

I am a bit nervous about going to work on Monday because I know a dramatic change like this will get lots of attention. I'm not that sure I am up for that.

The masseuse from David Jones is expensive, but because I already had the appointment I went. From all the stress over the week I really needed it. This guy is amazing, really amazing. He did tell me that he felt I've improved since a few weeks ago when he massaged me, and he did some reflexology on me. He told me he will email me the chart so I can do some of it at home. He is a very genuine guy and seems to actually care about the person he is massaging. I'm not just a paycheck and that is why I like him so much.

I may have to wait a month or more before I can go back to see him, and in the meantime get a few from the massage students who only charge $25 for a full body massage.

Right now it is of course Sunday morning and I didn't actually sleep in. My body wakes up on the dot 7:30 like some kind of robot. I wish I could sleep in, but it probably wouldn't do me well when I have to get up before the sun does to go to work tomorrow. This is my last part-time week at work and I know that when I am doing 8 hour days the stress is only going to get worse. Wish me luck with the stress management. Seems stress not weight is the biggest issue in my life a the moment. And I know exercise should help relieve stress. I am going to try my hardest to make this a better week.


Kathryn said…
The hair is cute. The massuer sounds cuter though ;)
Denise said…
I wonder why he doesn't like it - it looks fabulous to me!
Anonymous said…
You look great with the blonde-young and hip. Not that you didn't before. :)
Anonymous said…
Almost all men hate changes in hair color. They'll come around; don't listen to them about that.

I gained a tremendous amount of weight several years ago and have been struggling to get it off. It's the single most difficult thing I have ever done.

you're so close--nobody can diet all the time without wanting to die--give yourself a break

And thanks for visiting my blog.

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