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Day 2 of Bootcamp

So this bootcamp thing I got from the magazine looked okay at first, but when I tried it out last night along with mr. ralph we soon found out that it is much too difficult and complicated for my particular health limitations. It has lots of jumping about and the back of our place is concrete. The doctor said I could add jogging and skipping in small increments but on soft ground.

So was it discouraging? A little. But did I let it stop me? No!

I got up this morning and decided I will find a new routine for my bootcamp by scouring all my mags today and trying out the exercises before I put them on my list so I know I can accomplish what I set out to do.

I was able to get in a 20 minute workout this morning before the rain set in. I alternated jogging for 2 minutes and walking for 4, and some skipping. It felt good. And I remember from Body For Life that 20 minutes can be a great workout if you push yourself. I will try to get a second session in this afternoon if the rain lets up.

In other news work yesterday was shitty.

I woke up in a grumpy mood, probably from lack of sleep more than anything else as my cat has been driving us up the wall with wanting to go outside. We don't really like letting him out when it is dark still as he has been going in the neighbors yards and since that story broke about the kitten in Sydney that was tortured by some boys and caught on tape there has been a string of copycat incidents all over Australia. Just a few days ago in a park near our home they found half of a cats body. Pretty scary stuff, and sadistic as well.

By the way if you were wondering, Shelley was adopted by the policewoman who found her.

But as I was saying the cat no matter how much I love him drives me absolutely insane in the morning. This morning thank god I didn't have to work because he woke me at 3am! It gets earlier and earlier every day.


So work was very busy as well. We had a lot of people off sick or just off and the calls kept pouring in. My stats were the worst ever, but what can I say, my bad days are akin to most people's good days. I know that is bragging, but it really is true. It is just that I need to maintain a certain level in order to be eligible for the raise I want in March.

And the problems were awful. The new service levels that were put in place back on the 19th are starting to bite us all in the ass. I am being forced to give bad customer service and getting rewarded for it. A particular call that I had monitored by a coach received me a 100% score when a few weeks ago it would have been a failed call. None of it makes any sense to me. A topic I'm sure my team leader is dying to hear about when I have my one on one next week. I have to say what I think because I'm not good at being apathetic, especially when it affects my stats.

Oh well, you do what you can.

I can't believe this weather. I had my electric blanket on when I went to bed last night! Crazy.

Also, I have something to confess. I am in love with footballers wive$, that's the most talked about British Soap/Drama if you haven't heard. I know, it is a disgrace, but it is true. Last night I watched the final episode of season 2 and cannot wait for the next season to air on regular tv here so I'm having my brother in law record the first of season 3 from foxtel as mr. ralph said it is airing tonight! Mr. ralph asked me who my favorite character is and I of course love Tanya. Click to Enlarge It is not that I have anything in common with her, but I just love her bitchiness. She is one she-devil and if I could be a bitch I would want to be her. I haven't even finished the first season as I just discovered it a few weeks ago, but I'm filling in the pieces as I go. Mr. ralph did buy me the first season on DVD and I've only watched one episode. So there you go. I love this soap. Will you forgive me?


Argy said…
Now this is a refreshed spirit! Good on ya! And that old lady you met, an angel indeed! I am sure I will be back from my trip to read a week's worth of great work!

And I love the butterfly!!!!
Anonymous said…
where do you work? sounds a bit crappy! but if your bad days are actually quite alright then I guess that is ok. i am addicted to every pathetic tv programme that has ever been on tv. Believe it or not - I claim watching them as hours working because I am a teacher and I say that I HAVE to watch them to keep up with my clientel ( teenagers!). Oh - you are so forgiven. I on the otherhand maybe classified as pathetic!
kimba said…
Hey I love the new look. Eee, butterflies! Good on you for getting into the exercise. Good idea to modify that bootcamp if it doesn't suit you - and like you say, a 20minute workout can be plenty if you push yourself. I know if I run for 20min I feel like I've done hours of work! :)

My cat drives me up the wall wanting to go out too. She's yowling in the kitchen right now. But she's been doing the same thing, jumping the fence into the neighbours yards and I'm just too paranoid that I'll lose her. So I put up with her noiseworks. And her dirty looks.
love the new look! when the page was loading and it was black i said ooooooooooh out loud. lol. i like it very much.

good for you adapting the bootcamp to suit your needs. excellent. it is far more likely to work for you if it is tailored to you.

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