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Ok this time I am SERIOUS

What do you do when your motivation meter is sitting at 0? You read blogs! I am so inspired by all of you. Normally January is a huge weight-loss month for me and I've already let too much of it go by without doing a cotton-picking thing.

I can't expect the number on the scale to move if I am not willing to put in the effort can I?

Last night I spoke to a long-time friend who I seemed to have forgotten has this blog address and he told me how he has noticed a huge shift in my attitude since I've been on Pr0zac. Of course he said it has been a good thing.

I think he is right. I am less obsessed about my weight and my depression seems to be dissipating. But I also have noticed I can't seem to get fired up like I could in the past either. I don't know if I can attribute that to the drugs or not though.

So what can I do?

The beautiful LMS has offered to send me the spreadsheet of "no count" foods the new WW program is offering to help me get started. I am also going to go through some of my slimming, shape, and other mags to get food ideas before I go do my shopping for the week. This week needs to be different. I need to eat a bigger variety of foods. There is nothing wrong with high-fiber cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and meat and vege for dinner, but eating like that every single day gets very boring and of course I start to veer off the beaten path quickly.

Also exercise has been non-existent. If I don't make a plan I just won't do it. I think this week I will start out slowly again and have a goal to walk 20-30 minutes 3 times this week. It is a start.

I'm going to make up a weight chart for myself and put it up in our office. I am moving my weigh-in day to Monday mornings to encourage me to be better on weekends.

And now I plan to redesign this page. I need a new look to inspire myself.


Zephra said…
Hi there. I found you through Michele's site. Sometimes I look through her blogroll and look at ones that have interesting names...your did that for me. I will be back again.
Argy said…
I've eaten all the last couple of days myself. A farewell to
Today starts the bootcamp though!
let's do this together babe!
Anonymous said…
heya gorgeous! thank u so much for the nice wrap! I had a great time too and my poor parents.........when I got home I was just talking about you the whole time too! I just drove the 4 hours home today, Mum was a bit sick to travel Saturday and lets not mention the farewell at the buckhingham arms hey? That place is sooooooooo evil! Anyhow - i will definitely get on here tomorrow and post - i am guessing that the close up was a bit too yukky if it hasn't appeared here(?)

u rock!
Can't WAIT to see the new look!

I know about the motivation factor 0. Pain in the ring isnt it?

p.s. I think I might make it back for St Pats. Im not too sure yet though.
I can't fit said…
Hey - I totally get the 0% motivation factor. I think that the first of the year is quite the "let down" after all of the excitement experienced during the Holidays.

Just look how far you've come.
Shannin said…
I know what you mean about 0 motivation. Remember that a body in motion stays in motion, and once you get moving it does become easier. Glad the Prozac is making a difference!
Love the new fresh look! Especially your beautiful smiling face :-)

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