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Big day ahead

I stayed up late creating this new look and today I am going to pay for it.

I want your honest feedback on the redesign. If you don't want to leave a comment please email me at suckingitin at g mail dot com.

The idea of the banner is that you are being given free movie tickets to my journey with weight-loss, and that popcorn is airpopped and light [because I say it is]!

I am so tired my eyes sting!

I have my appointment with an occupational physician today and I'm scared. I am shell-shocked from the other specialists I've seen. After that I have my physio appointment and my psychologist appointment to finish the day off.

Told you it was a big day.

I've been eating almost completely to plan for the past 3 days. I started off with the first 3 days being lower in kilojoules than needed so I could kickstart my body. I snuck onto the scale earlier and the commitment has paid off. I've almost lost a kilo already! Let's hope my motivation doesn't wane today when I am tired.

Now I have to get off of here fast because I still have salad to chop for lunch and I only have around 45 minutes to get myself out the door.

Happy Thursday to you!

Oh and please tell me if the page looks good on your monitor (whatever size it is).



Lynda said…
I love the new look - more positive and fun than the last. You are very clever!
Anonymous said…
I love it, very nice :)
Jocelyn said…
Looks good, bright and positive!
Anonymous said…
Sorry to be the voice of doom, but I use Firefox, and it's a mess. At the top, the text is floating over the images & rendering the words unreadable. Also, the bar with the stats in it floats in the middle of the page, blocking the main text.
YP said…
Yup, I use Firefox too and it's all over the place.f
Anonymous said…
liked the other one better
Thumper said…
Um...hate to say, but in Firefox, the page isn't readable at all anymore. The yellow box runs right down the middle of everything....
Argy said…
I love it. I find it more clear and bright, fresh!!!

And well done on the loss too!!!
Anonymous said…
Looks great in Internet Explorer, but no good Firefox (like the other Firefox users said).

I loved your old design, and love this one too!
Anonymous said…
That was me, and it wasnt meant to be anonymous!
Anonymous said…
heya sweety! gr8 to see you back and in yellow! much more you. Now i get the popcorn and the tickets but the lizard...............? he he! I really do love it, but I am wondering whether there should be something on the right hand side of the page? Someone said they had stats running through the middle of their page? I can't see stats so I am wondering whether that is what is meant to be on the right hand side?

One kilo? yay!
Love it!

Much more you.

It is also much easier to read with bigger spaces between paragraphs. (My eye notices things like that)

You've done a great job. :-)
Anonymous said…
lookin good here on ie :)
Anonymous said…
looks great on my firefox (on winxp)!
Denise said…
VERY cute - I like it!

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