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I worked hard all week. I had a great week with very good eating! I honestly did. But I am starting to rethink the Monday weigh-in now. I know I did it that way to try to make me be consistent and eat well on the weekend, but I had such a bad day yesterday that I am worried all my hard work will be undone.

I am nowhere near my scale so I can't find out the horrible truth.

I am blown away with all the wonderful comments on my new design! A few people have questioned the lizard, and I have no real reason except that I thought it looked good. I was going to put a turtle, you know slow and steady wins the race, but the turtle didn't look as good as the lizard. So there you go. What reasoning skills I have!

I am seriously thinking of rejoining Weight Watchers. But at the moment we are soooo poor. We may not even be able to buy our groceries unless we put them on credit.

I want to make some necklaces to take around to local shops to see if they'd be interested in selling them because I've had so many lovely comments about the ones I've made for myself, but I don't even have the money for the materials. *sigh* And time, that is something I never have enough of.

I went with a friend from work to the Shutzenfest yesterday (spending money we don't have) and I saw the sister of this girl and I said hello and was on my way. I never ran into her again, which I think was a good thing because I really didn't want any drama in my day. I had a good time and had a few German beers, but it started raining so we left around 4:30. I was so tired from all the beer that I ate a hamburger and chips from our local fish shop and fell right to sleep at 8pm.

This would be why I am now awake at 6am on a Sunday.


carmilevy said…
I'm sorry to read about your lean financial times. I know how hard that can be, and wish we could all win a lottery - even a small one - to help ease the day-to-day fiscal stress that so many of us face.

Sounds like you've got lots of irons in the fire, though. AND a great blog to boot. I'll be back!
Lynda said…
I love the new look but am finding the actual blog hard to read due to the background - just thought I'd say so.

You are very clever doing this though!
Anonymous said…
hey! i love the new patterns babe! I am thinking kind of kaleidoscope movie thing? Maybe? It so sucks that healthy food costs more than crap food doesn't it? If we could have a packet of chips, a pie and an iced coffee a day we'd be laughing ( and fat) but laughing! I think you should DEFINITELY sell your gorgeous jewellery! Maybe put one item as an auction on your site. Seriously - it could be really fun!!!! Everything big starts with tiny little baby steps. You have a great network here, so use it. Your necklaces would make GREAT presents and we all buy presents. Use the money from your first one to buy your materials for the next two and fly chicken little, fly!!!!!!!!!!!
Marisa said…
Hey look at you! I leave for the weekend and come back to -- wow! to the layout and your plan, and the updated pix, love your hair.

All the best Rebeka as you renew your commitment on this journey. You inspire me always.
Lynda said…
Me again - I can read this better now. Did you tone the background down or am I losing it? Anyway, it looks great and I'm sorry about your money worries...

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