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My new favorite

I have a new obsession: Stuff on my cat.

An old friend of mine told me about it and thought I'd like it. He was right.

I've already submitted a few photos of Buckley.

I still weigh 70 kilos. My heart has not been 100% in it this week, but I will get there. I'm planning to either go back to Weight Watchers or just do a partner diet thing with mr. ralph.

I had so much fun with Airlie I couldn't stop talking about her for most of the day.

Have any of you tried Coke Zero yet? I don't like it. It tastes a lot like PepsiMax, which I hate. I am a diet coke girl through and through.

Hope your new year started out better than mine. I will get on track this week.


Unknown said…
We drank coke zero in America. I found it here yesterday. I kinda like it, but I think I still prefer diet coke. I much prefer the taste of diet coke over coke, and coke zero is pretty close to tasting like coke. Hope they arent planning to replace diet coke with coke zero!
Emma said…
I don't love it, it's not my cup of tea. For another thing, I resent that it has 5 kj per 100mls more than Pepsi Max! Tiny I know, but still...
I like cats, too. We have 4, down from 7!

Lightbulb moment.

I heard on the radio that two universities have banned coke and coke products from their shelves for nutritional and behind the scenes reasons.

Perhaps if they come in with a 'healthier' alternative?????

I mean, who'd have thought that Maccas would be servings salads five years ago?
Belladora said…
I LOVE that cat website...way cute!!!
Anonymous said…
no they won't replace diet coke, even though it isn't do so well these days... they launched zero to try and take on pepsi max and pepsi light which are going nuts at the moment (max will be bigger than diet coke in not to distant future)

personally i drink pepsi light... tried coke zero it was foul
Anonymous said…
oh yea the uni ban is true they have been kicked out of 50 unis

check out:

and local version

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