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A watched scale never budges

Three days back on a healthy eating plan and the scale is not going anywhere. Disgusting. I can't believe it! I can't believe I weighed myself this morning either. I know better than to do this to myself.

One of the main things R. (the psychologist) said to me that I can't stop thinking about is that experts are now saying the healthiest amount of weight to loose is 1-2 pounds a month. That is under a kilo a month! Freaking A! Unbelievable isn't it? I used to beat myself up if I didn't loose that in a week.

She also told me she thinks that I should aim to be 65 instead of 58 kilos. I'm still thinking that over.

But somewhere The_Scale_Gods are laughing at me. You should never weigh yourself this much kids. It is not good for you.

I have started using the free SparkPeople food and exercise tracker. It is similar to some other ones out there you have to pay for. So far the only thing I've tracked is food and I am keeping under the recommended calories (it is American) but most of the food I eat is available. I haven't tried their recommended meal plans yet, but am seriously thinking of it.

I walked to work from the bus yesterday (10 mins) and back (10 mins) and wanted to get off the bus early to walk some more but it was so freaking hot (38C) that I didn't. I have got to get this arse moving more. At least I am getting the extra walk in the morning that I stopped doing just before Christmas.

At the moment I am seriously enjoying Diet Girl's 5 part anniversary series. She is just so amazing.


Kathryn said…
Yikes - less than a kilo a month! That is indeed freaky. It would take forever (well for me anyway). I guess the beauty of a target like that is that you can exceed it but I think if I aimed for that, I'd be more likely to overindulge.
Shannin said…
I like the idea of 1-2 pounds per week! If it was only 1-2 pounds per month, it would take forever to lose any significant weight.

Love the new blog look...
Anonymous said…
heya sweety! i was thinking maybe your body might need some messing up. What about some latin dance classes or something? There are some classes that are social and free.
I've heard that new number too.

I really, really like Airlies idea about latin dancing classes.

Shake your shit girl. Enjoy yourself and see what happens. Your last few kilos of excess fat will have it's hands up in the air dancing and fall off your body because it looses grip. Or something.

Im tired.. LOL
Belladora said…
I weigh myself every morning and sometimes even in the evenings. I tried putting the scale away, but it didn't work. Just try to remember it will budge, just not when you expect it to usually:) I'm in the same boat...I've been working my butt off and it went UP the past 2 days. GRRRR!
Pink Pen said…
Have you been to pounds2go? we've got quite the community over there of people determined to get the weight off. Very supportive... Hope to see you there.

michele sent me.

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