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Ow Oww Owwww!

When you begin to suspect it is time to get new walking shoes, do not wait for a rock to fall from the sky on your head before you do it.

I walked for a cumulative 1 hour and 30 minutes yesterday.

I so rock! Of course I am tres proud of my accomplishments.

I decided to see if I could walk to the bus stop near my physio's office before work, and then decided to do it again after work.

It was during the walk home that my feet started hurting. On my right foot one of my toes was seriously killing, and on my left foot I developed a blister. I knew I needed new shoes! I had noticed the soles wearing down a few months ago.

I announced to mr. ralph as I walked through the door, "It is time for new shoes, my feet hurt! And by the way I've walked for an hour and a half today!" [had to throw in that for the effect]

So I plopped myself on the sofa and took off my shoes flipping them over to discover that right where my little toe was hurting is a hole! I was shocked to see that I must have been feeling the pavement for most of the journey home.


I don't have time to go anywhere to buy shoes today either, and I have my pilates class [thanks for the correct spelling ;)] today too. I don't need shoes for it because I use equipment, but I wanted to walk home again. I may have to wear these other shoes I have for today, but they are more of a "look" shoe than a walking shoe, if you know what I mean. They have no arch support, and although Italian-made aren't for walking. But at least I won't be feeling the pavement.

I've been using Sparkpeople like a mofro. I didn't use it on the weekend because I don't think fruity cocktails and garbage are listed in the food lists. I just may have to add them in *wink*. But I've been creating food groups and inputting my favorite foods by figuring out how many calories they have etc.

By the way I noticed you are using it too Bec, and if you like chocolate icecream the bulla 98% fat free chocolate icecream bars only have 75 calories.

For example, yesterday according to Sparks calculations I ate around 1300 calories [remember it is 1500 for me to stay the same weight] and I burned almost 300 with my walking. Not to shabby. And, and... we ate Gnocchi for dinner. My own concoction. It was delish. I put chicken pieces in cacciatore sauce with veggies and the gnocchi. It was the highest caloric meal of the day, but I loved it.


Shannin said…
I think it's great you have rededicated yourself to your health. You are doing so great!!
I cant believe I missed your spark people link originally.! Doh!

Isnt it fantastic? I am having a ball adding all my favs in and seeing just what the foods break down into.

WOW@ 1.5 hours walking! Fantastic!
Belladora said…
Awesome job on the walking...sounds like you are right on track...Great stuff!
Anonymous said…
gorgeous! I can sooooo hear you saying that to Mr Ralph and I am sure that his answer would've been, "if its shoes you want baby - its shoes you shall have". You are both so cute! My whole family is in adelaide this week except me, I am so jealous - think of all the walking(and talking) we could've done together!!!
Anonymous said…
you are kicking ass and taking names. seriously. your energy and enthusiasm RADIATE from my computer screen. i bet you feel absolutely ALIVE. i can feel it and am jealous of it. i want that feeling. you are an inspiration!

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