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Giving myself a break

Before the epiphany I had earlier this week I would judge how good my week was by what my weight was at the end of it. As of this morning I still weight 71 kilos, but this has been one hell of a terrific week.

I am walking again, and enjoying it! When I woke up this morning I went for a 50 minute walk and that is totally amazing for a Sunday.

I exercised every day except Saturday, and I had reasons. I went to a hen's night on Friday night and stayed up mega late chatting. I needed the rest.

I over-ate yesterday, mainly because I was tired and couldn't be bothered. I had a big think about this whole weekend rubbish eating thing on my walk this morning.

You can't fix the world in a day! I have to start planning ahead for the weekend BEFORE it gets here so I can control the eating/drinking better.

And of course if I keep up the exercise like I have been doing since Wednesday, there is no way that I won't lose weight naturally. It will happen.

I will be seeing 65 again on the scale, but there is seriously no hurry.


It isn't a race. You're right.

You sound ~right~ right now. Calm. At ease. Healthy.

I loved reading this post because to me it spoke of a benchmark. A realisation that you are worth so much more than a number on a scale. You are worth the fitness. You are worth the fresh air and Sunday morning walks.

Go you.
...jus me said…
I think you have the right idea! Stay active, eat as healthy as you can and don't get discouraged. The scale is not always very friendly and "it" is sure not "who" you are!
Sue said…
I have been reading your blog for a long time now, all your up's and down's and i have to say that i think that you are a an absolute superstar, to be living away from your family and you have done sooooo well. I for one think that you have done one superb job of losing your weight. Thank you for all your inspiration and never ever give up.
If you would like to visit my blogspot with my trials and tribulatins it's it's now called Sues Seachange, Weightloss Mature Age Nursing Student - (Now that's a mouthful hehehehe) Best of luck to you, i have no doubt that you will achieve everything that you have ever wanted.
Belladora said…
You are definitely going to see a difference soon with all the work you are putting in... GREAT job!
"You can't fix the world in a day! ... And of course if I keep up ... like I have been doing ... there is no way that I won't lose weight naturally. It will happen."

Great advice! Thanks so much for sharing it.

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