I am on top of the world because finally the scale is showing that this detox and the extra exercise I've been doing is finally working. Wait for it.... I weighed-in at 66 kilos!! That's a loss of 800 grams since last Saturday! Yippie!! I couldn't believe it when I woke up this morning because yesterday the scales were stuck at 67. So how did this happen? I have some theories, but if you are squeamish when it comes to bodily functions being discussed this is the time to stop reading. First of all this morning I awoke to my period starting, which means that all the pre-menstrual bloat would have been happening the previous few days, and I also had 2 natural bowel movements in the early hours of my morning, this I believe is due to all the extra dark green vegetables I've been eating on the detox. The reason I said natural bowel movements is because not long ago a good cup of coffee in the morning would get me going, but now that I'm not drinking anything other th...
addiction, food, alcohol, love, recovery