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Day 13 - Weigh-in ~ Any little bit counts

I can't believe I've actually made it this far, but I have. And I have taken a semi-liking to gluten and wheat free bread, but only when it is toasted in the grill. I don't allow myself it but 2-3 times a week though. Bread to me is still bread and bread equals bloat.

I wasn't very impressed with my weigh-in, but as my title says, every little bit counts. I now weigh 65.6 and lost a total of 400 grams this week.

It really isn't much since I'm trying to reach 63 by May 20th, but I have to accept that I just may not reach it by my deadline. It won't be the end of the world. I know that. I have not thrown in the towel yet though, as I still have 2 weeks to get my ass in gear.

I will fight till the very end, and even then, keep going. May 20th will come and go, but I have to live in this body forever.

Does anyone out there know if chai tea has caffeine, the kind they serve in coffee bars... I had one today with soy milk and it was so yummy. And then I worried that I couldn't have it. I liked how they use nutmeg and other spices, it is delish especially since it is finally getting cold outside. Reminds me of pumpkin pie. Mmmmm Pie.

I've already been fantasizing about what I will eat when this 21 day detox is over. Once a food lover always a food lover.


Wenchy said…
What kind of detox are you doing? Which programme are you using to have lost so much weight? ... and the question most ask I am sure, how long has this journey been for you? Okay.... now that I am finished with my questionaire - well done! You can do it!
Rohit said…
No, chai tea doesn't have caffiene and best of luck with your diet/weight loss programme.If you are superstitious, Day No. 13 might have been the one bad day :D

In via Michele's; have a great day and hope everything goes to plan till May 20th!
Anonymous said…
Hate to be a know it all, but Chai Tea could actualy have caffiene, they do sell and carry de-caf Chai Tea so perhaps you should ask. Either way its not going to be much more than 40 mg. Curious as to why you are avoiding it. If you are trying to loose weight then caffien in moderation can help elevate the bodies metabolic rate a tad?. Thank you for your comments and stopping by my blog.


annie said…
Wow, you have lost a lot! you look great and you are also adorable, great pictures. Keep up the good work!
Jaykay said…
Well thanks to you Mrs Ralph and also the Madison magazine I'm going to start the 21 day detox on Monday.

Any chance you could post what you've been eating for lunch and dinner.

Think I've got the general gist of it all and I've ordered the book from which should be here within the week, but I'm still a bit vague on what to actually eat for meals.

And congrats on losing the weight. A loss is a loss!!
Anonymous said…
Yes, congrats on heading in the direction you want. Keep up the good work

and have a great weekend

from another of Michele's meet and greeter...
Sooz said…
Oh, I love chai tea. Weird thing, my favorite comes from a gas station coffee service.
Anonymous said…
sadly, chai tea is usually made with black tea (caffeinated)....

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