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Day 15 - Under

I'm feeling slightly under the weather. Not enough to call in sick to work (although I wish I could), but just enough to make me feel ick.

I've had a sore throat and have felt really tired. I've been wondering if a lot of my tiredness is due to a lack of iron. I haven't taken any supplements on this detox, but I think that Dr. Joshi's book actually recommends you take them. How silly am I for not even thinking about that?

Oh well. I don't feel like spending a lot of money on supplements either. I've got one more week to go.

On Friday at work someone who had their birthday on the weekend left a piece of chocolate mud cake on my desk before I could tell them no thanks, they left. I was staring at this cake so hard. You'd be proud though, I gave it to another guy that sits next to me and didn't think another thing of it.

Yesterday we took mr. ralph's mum out for Mother's Day and the desserts on the menu looked so yummy! And afterwards he and his mum both had icecream! God it was so hard, but I kept saying, one more week, one more week.

Why did I start this thing on a Monday? When I'm finished it will be a Tuesday and I never really want to eat very badly during the week. Maybe this is a good thing and will keep me from overindulging enough to gain weight.

I have been thinking about this detox and how the chick in the article claims you can loose 5 kilos from it and how I've only lost 1.2 so far. I guess if you are a junk food eater and then cut everything out cold turkey you would loose 5 kilos. But for someone like me that eats a lot of rabbit food and lean protein anyway, it takes a lot to loose 5 kilos.

Will I make it to 63 in time to apply for Slimmer of the Year? I don't know. It would take a miracle.


Sooz said…
Congrats on passing up the cake. I don't think I would've had the same willpower.

One more week!! You can do it!
Jaykay said…
You can do this. Just one more week to go. And maybe the whoosh fairy will visit you soon.

I started today. That lemon water is going to take a bit of getting used to!!
Wenchy said…
Wow! You are inspirational. How long has your weight loss journey been overall now? Congrats on passig the cake. All I can say is WOW!!!!
Pirate Princess said…
Congrats on the victory! You are doing great! I came over from Michele's place - you are doing fabulous! I hope you make it to your goal. I'll be back to check - sounds like you have what it takes! :)
CheekyMoo said…
I hope you feel better soon. Think positive, you can make it!!
Argy said…
Honey, the miracle has happened already you know. You have worked so hard to loose 40 kilos that this is a miracle on its own! Think of back then, on a size 20 jeans, didnt you honestly think it would take a miracle to fit into size 10? Well my sweet becca, you have performed the miracle...YOU and noone else for you!

So what if you don't loose the rest 2.6 in two weeks? Surely it will be supergreat! I'll really open a bottle of champagne and cheer for you! But the important miracle darling? You have done this already!!!! Its just the final stardust that needs to be thrown!
Shannin said…
One more week -- you CAN do it. I'm sure your body is fighting this, which is why you haven't seen a loss. I have complete faith in your ability to lose these last few kilos/pounds.
Argy said…
hey :)

I been missing you the last couple of days...all is well?


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