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Day - 19 Final stretch

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've actually attempted to a few times but we've been having problems with our internet connection. It seems it has worked itself out now. The truth is, I've also been very apathetic about this week.

It is not that I haven't stuck to my detox, or kept within my points range, because I have. But I haven't been exercising and I haven't felt very excited about anything.

I've been feeling very run down and I started having pain again in my left shoulder/back. I've also had a lot of stress at work, which for me takes all of my energy.

You have no idea how glad I am this detox is almost over. I know I signed up for this voluntarily, there was no one there twisting my arm. But this has become one of the longest 3 weeks of my life.

It was easy at first, because I basically don't eat a lot of junk anyway. The first week went by really quickly, but now that I'm only a few days away from the finish line I can think about is food I can't have.

I'd kill for something sweet to eat right now, and I'm not talking about a banana with honey.

I watched mr. ralph eat more icecream on Tuesday night because we had to do an emergency defrost of our freezer due to the fact that someone left the refrigerator door slightly ajar all day and we couldn't close it.

Of course we can't waste perfectly good vanilla icecream by letting it melt!

It has been dark when I get up and dark again when I arrive home from work everyday so even the slightest idea of exercise has been pushed to the side.

I know I want to reach goal in order to apply for this year's slimmer of the year, but sometimes taking care of myself has to take precedence. I just couldn't do it. Physically I haven't been up for anything extra.

Today I have the day off and plan to have some me time. If it means that I have some time to take a brisk walk, then I will, but most importantly I want to rest. I will probably do some shopping for my good friend's 21st that is next weekend, and maybe look for some pants because not only did I ruin my favorite brown pair but yesterday the zipper broke in another pair.

As my body gets smaller, I have less to wear. I know this should be a good thing, but I can't afford a whole new wardrobe. This was another reason applying for Slimmer of The Year would have been good. I need the new clothes! Anyone want to supplement my wardrobe? Not that I'm holding my breath, but I was seriously thinking of saving favorites to but then I realized that I have to try everything on. I've got a funky body shape and ordering clothes online would never work for me.

Oh well, I do regularly hit the salvos and goodwill shops and am occasionally lucky. I'll manage.

I can't think of anything else to say except to thank all of you for your continued support. I'm very grateful I have such kind and helpful readers. You've made my week with your comments, and now I'm off to catch up on your blogs.


Wenchy said…
Well done on the detox... three weeks is a long time... and you are almost there! Look after yourself.
AliRose said…
Wow, I really don't think I could ever do that detox, I am so impressed by your diligence!
Anonymous said…
Big hugs! It sounds like you need one now. :)

Regarding the clothes issue, if you aren't squemish about used clothing, perhaps you should consider a clothes swap? My friend, who got gastric bypass surgery and went down quickly, really liked it. You offer your old, outsized clothing and get "credit" to request clothing in your size that has been offered up. All you pay are s/h costs.

There are also swap websites that let you post pics and descriptions of what you have and request things others post.
Anonymous said…
Taking care of yourself must ALWAYS take precedence! That's not being selfish, it's being smart.

Great job with the detox! Another goal met -- and you have made many accomplishments along the way.
Thumper said…
I *know* I couldn't do a detox...

Here via Michele's...would have gotten here sometime today, anyway!
-E said…
I am definately impressed. You're awesome.

Michele sent me.
Jaykay said…
Not long to go now. Do you think that you'll go back to what you were eating before you started the detox?

You've done so well to stick it out. Hope I can do it too.

I've lost a kilo in 5 days, which is just amazing. And the book should be arriving this week sometime, so I should actually figure out what I can and can't eat in more detail than the magazine gives.

Do you actually feel better for doing the detox? And are your nails, hair, skin and eyes looking healthier too?
Denise said…
I'm so proud of you for hanging tough through your detox - I know I wouldn't do it. It's a good thing when you listen to your body, too, because it means you're in tune with it instead of detached. :-) As to the clothes thing, I would give the clothes swaps that Beatte mentioned a try. I'd send you some of my small clothes but I know they'd be miles too big for you because they're US14s (which is my goal size).
Shannin said…
I'm so proud of you going through this fast. I'm sure you will reap the benefits of it.
Good luck with the clothes. I know some groups (like Weight Watchers) sponsor clothes swaps/exchanges. I hope to be in that position soon!

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