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Day 14 Other things

Yesterday I went shopping with my best aussie girlfriend. It was a nice day since we don't see each other that often now that she doesn't work with me anymore.

Will you believe I found a cord jacket for $10? Well I did. It was such a bargain!

I've been so focused on trying to eat right and exercise enough that I've seriously neglected other areas of my life, especially my love life. I had to come to grips with the fact that my husband and I have been living more like roommates than a married couple for a little too long now.

Remember when I had that great idea that we would do date nights? Well, we did two of them and we haven't had a romantic date since our anniversary. I'm so ashamed.

This past week mr. ralph has been experiencing a lot of pain from what we think is acid reflux. The problem comes and goes, but our doctor hasn't been able to find a drug that helps him so a few months ago he went to see a specialist. He was meant to organics having a minor day surgery so they could investigate to find out what the real problem is, but because he was too busy with teaching and he didn't have pain for a while he forgot about it.

I've been nagging him to get it done, and now he wishes he had. I hate to see him in pain because there is nothing we can do for it. There is no pill he can take, he has to wait it out until it goes away, and everyday that he has it he is doing damage to his insides from the acid.

I wanted to take him to the ER last night but he didn't want to. He put our wheat bag on his chest and eventually fell asleep.

Yesterday I was trying to figure out why I haven't been feeling very sexy and seem to have lost my mojo, but I can't figure it out. I thought that as I got skinnier I'd feel sexier and my love life would improve, but as it is I had more sex when I was heavier than I do now.

I know that all the sexual abuse issues are still there, and maybe my weight-loss is bringing some of it to light because I subconsciously may be feeling more vulnerable without the fat to hide behind.

I've put it out of my mind because it just feels like I'm dealing with so much at the moment that I don't want the mountain to come crashing down on me. I'm trying to improve my work statistics to get a raise, I'm trying to lose these last 2.6 kilos (7 lbs) and it has been enough to drive me insane, and straight to bed at night around 9:30 pm, and leave mr. ralph watching tv on his own.

I at one time blamed him for it all because he isn't very spontaneous, but this is a problem we both have to take partial blame for, and fix. And fix we must.


Argy said…
Honey I hear you!

When work and other stresses add up, it is common to grow somehow away from our partner and sex life. Which is so stupid really, since sex is one of the best releases for stress!

A marriage is a full time job too!

It is great that you are not blaming mr ralph alone. There is always a distribution of blames between a couple, and recognising your part is the most important thing into correcting stuff.

Now I should listen to my own saying too huh? ;o)
Anonymous said…
was just going to say that marriage is hard and it's great when two people realize that and work at it.
Anonymous said…
I'm proud of you for wanting to work on things with Mr. Ralph. That's half the battle right there! I hope everything goes well.

I wanted to comment about the possible acid reflux -- have you looked into the idea that he might have low stomach acid? The reason I bring this up is because my best friend had this problem. It was so severe he couldn't stand up when he was experiencing the heartburn! After much encouragement (ok, nagging) I convinced him to take pills to increase his stomach acid, and I am not kidding -- the first time he took the pill the symptoms went away. Now he takes one with every meal and not only does he not have any pain anymore and can eat whatever he wants, but he digests his food much faster and has more regular BMs. It's been a huge change in his personality.

Does hubby eat and then seem to spend the rest of the day digesting food, like a snake? Is he sleepier than usual? Does he have trouble eating things like steak or anything that is hard to digest because it just sits there in his stomach?

If so, you may want to look into this! Good luck with whatever route you take -- I have heard the pain is awful and frustrating. I hope he finds relief soon.
Meg said…
Oh, man, do I hear this one. I need more sleep every day and my Hub stays up at least an hour later than I do, which makes it almost impossible for us to end up in bed at the same time for the non-spontaneous kind of lovemaking. Which, sadly, is the kind that we've kind of ended up being dependent on.

We managed to double our weekly sex take (not to mention make it muuuch better for me) by instituting post-work cuddle time-- we get home, strip off our work clothes, and crawl into bed together to snuggle and chat, occasionally fall asleep on each other, and more than occasionally have sex. If nothing else, it's giving us a stress-free "us" chunk of time every day, something that breaks up the hectic transition from work to dinner prep.
Anonymous said…
best site

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