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I don't have a lot of time to update because I crazily agreed to work an hour over-time this morning.

Things have been hectic in my personal life. I have to update everyone when I get a lot more time to sit and write.

Thanks so much for all your compliments on the dress, and my (smile) legs. I still read most of them and think, "oh they're just saying those things to be nice." Why? Because I still don't like my legs very much.

Yesterday I wore an above the knee skirt but with dark leggings and the woman who sits next to me gave me a nudge and a giggle and said, "Wow look at you in your little skirt!" When I walked away going towards the break room I thought, "Was she implying that I shouldn't wear this?" I know she wasn't, but that is how insecure I am about these legs!

Ok, one last thing I literally have to rush now, I redesigned Argy's site for her. Go check her out!


Lindsay said…
Hi! I found your blog from Trish at scale whore! I am in the exact same boat as you as far as weight...right now I am at 168 with a goal of 145-150! Anyway, I just love your blog! Would it be ok if I linked to you from mine? My site address is:
lainb said…
hope you get a chance to "breathe" soon! Your site design on Argy's looks great!
Wenchy said…
Hey. I think it takes a mind shift from fat girl to thin girl.. and that you look stunning but perhaps your mind hasn't realized it yet? Do I sound confused? LOL Anyway, what would a fat girl like me know. :o)
Anonymous said…
I completely understand what you are saying and where you are coming from when looking at yourself (critically, nonetheless) and then hearing what others have to say because the two rarely meet after such a huge change. I *still* see myself as fat too. Yesterday I wore shorts and a T to school to pick up the boys. I was as self-concious as hell because I *felt* I looked fat in the get-up, but everyone I met along the way (no less than 20 people) all said I was looking really great. I found it hard to believe, as if they were putting me on. Like it was one big joke and I was the only one not in on it. But later that afternoon as we were getting ready to go to a ballgame, I asked the boys if it was okay for me to wear the same outfit or if that would be too much embarrassment for them. They were a bit puzzled as to what I meant because they thought I looked fine and frankly, they're too young to know how to lie just to make someone feel better about how they look. I think in due time we'll both feel more confident about the new us and hopefully before that happens, we won't cave in and revert to the "comfort" of being our old selves. Keep the faith and keep on trucking towards that ultimate goal!

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