Just before he left I got upset at him because I was looking for our marriage certificate and I saw the state of our office. This place is full of meaningless paper stacked everywhere. Online articles etc. you name it, we've got it. Why we have to keep it I have no idea. The state of our office is awful. We need to get rid of so much stuff. I finally did find the marriage certificate though, which is good because I only have until the 22nd of June to turn in my application for permanent residency.
I weighed myself this morning and am not pleased, but it is all to be expected. I've been doing absolutely nothing but sitting at home, sleeping, or eating since I fell sick on Monday night. I have decided to give myself grace for this week though and I'm not going to attend my WW meeting. I will focus on getting myself well by resting.
I do plan on curbing the carbo intake as I've dramatically increased it in the previous days. We're going out to dinner tonight to celebrate the hubs b-day with his mum and brother, and I probably won't have much choice in what I eat.
As I said, this week is a total write off. But these things happen. Next week I hopefully will be over this dreaded virus or whatever it is and I can get myself into gear. I can't let winter win the weight battle!