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I heard your dad went into a restaurant and ate everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant

Hello. I'm here. I consider this my mid-week check in. I won't be avoiding the scales this week. I will take whatever comes my way and deal with it.

I still feel very overwhelmed, if that is the right word. I am beginning to hate winter with a passion too. I've seemed to have kicked the overeating madness, at least for a few days anyway, and I've taken out the jump-rope and gone at it almost every morning and night (during commercials). It feels good to be doing something.

I want to thank all of you for your comments, and concern. There were some very good points brought up, and I thank you for helping me think this through, but the battle is only just beginning.

I think honesty rain, was right on the money when she said, "you've been working very hard with a singular mind on this difficult task of losing weight." My whole outlook has just been focused on the amount of weight I need to lose. I have become that girl, and not the good one. The one that lets every decision in life revolve around food and what the scale says.

Meg was definitely on the money when she said, "Your eating is not the problem. Your weight is not the problem. These are symptoms of something else, something that is doing damage on deeper and more important level."

I know that the demons of the past are lurking under the surface waiting to bubble up and drown me in vile. I know that for a while now I've been needing to get myself back in therapy, but I've done nothing about it except mention it casually and let it drop. I've been so determined to get to goal weight that I've neglected my very important mental needs.

And finally, my dear Beatte. Although I can identify with the pressure theory, I can't say that anyone else is pressuring me. I've been lucky enough to not live anywhere near my family, and mr. ralph? Well he is the most understanding person I know. He loved me large and has not once said or done anything to add pressure to my journey. Any fingers that need to be pointed all stare at me.

The compliments have only really just begun to pour in at work, and no one has been overly intrusive. If I were in the US I'm pretty sure it would be different, but people here tend keep to themselves, and weight-loss is an issue that they feel is quite personal. No one has asked how much I've got left to lose, I offer it up at any given chance. I think it is a self-depreciating way of reminding myself I'm not finished yet, and I shouldn't feel great about my accomplishments.

I know that this means that I've got a lot to think about, and a lot to work on. I would love it if I could say I'm the girl that has it all together, and that these last few kilos were just going to melt away and of course take with them, all my troubles. But it is not going to happen. It was never going to happen that way. I couldn't have made it this far if I thought that, but wouldn't it be awesome if it could be true?

Don't worry about me. I'll perk up sooner or later, I just hope it is more sooner than later.


Denise said…
Getting near to the end of the road is really an emotional time, so just take it slow and gentle. It's like I keep telling myself: there's no time limit, so take as long as you need in order to make it right for you.
Wenchy said…
I've been checking your blog daily for an update and was thrilled to find one this morning. (It's 9h38am in South Africa!)

There is a quote that says that if all the worlds troubles were on a pile and you could choose... and when you see out in the open what others are struggling with, you would pick up your very own troubles again from the pile and be on your way.

I know this doesn't help you one bit but I wish I was in your shoes... standing at the end of the "weight" line while I'm standing at the start (again).

Yes it is true, there is no time limit and the only pressure if usually the ones we place on ourselves.

Argy said…
There are always the same two questions my therapist asks me when I am in a situation where I want to move forward, and for some peculiar reason I am doing everything I can to sabotage or delay myself.

Perhaps they can be of some help to you too darling. So ask yourself...

What am I gaining by remaining in this pre-goal situation?


What am I avoiding by not getting to goal?

I am thinking a lot about you. I am in a very hectic time at work, which hopefully will slow down next week, so I am going to email you.

Hugs and love,

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