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A Confession of Sorts

Last night I went out for dinner with mr. ralph and his family to celebrate his birthday. I of course ate like a pig. This restaurant was buffet style and well, lets just say I didn't make great choices, and to top it off I had apple crumble for dessert. The worst of it is I could barely taste any of it.

I've been sick a total of 4 days including today and I've used it as an excuse to eat whatever I want.

This must stop.

I was going to go to work today, but my husband talked me out of it due to the fact that I was out for a few hours last night and by the time we came home my voice was shot to hell and I am on the phone all day at work. If that happened in that short span of time there is no telling what work would do to me.

The reason I really wanted to work even though I am sick is because I am bored as hell at home, and well, because I don't have food staring me in the face all day long at work. Also I don't even know if I have enough paid sick leave to cover these 3 sick days I've taken this week.

I've come to the conclusion that I could never be someone who works from home. And when I have kids, I'm going to need to take a very limited break from working because lets face it, I cannot handle temptation. Being around food without something to keep my mind busy is a frightening experience for me.

And the fact that I cannot taste food very well right now isn't helping matters either, because for me hunger and taste are intricately connected. I hunger for certain things and when I eat something that doesn't quench my desire I always keep eating until the taste/hunger has been satisfied. I'm not getting much gratification in that area this week.

I took a walk today because it was sunny and I had to get out of the house. I've been wanting to do it all week, but most days even though the sun has shone, the wind has been very chilly and going out in a cold wind isn't the best idea when one is running a slight temperature.

Oh well, it may have taken me 4 days to figure it out, but I can see what I've been doing here, and it all equals weight-loss sabotage. I need to put an end to it now. And on another depressing note I'm still not well. You would think that I'd be feeling somewhat better by now, but I'm not. I cannot miss Monday from work as well, it is just not an option. That is of course unless I am truly dying, with a high fever and chills.

Come what may, I need to feel better Monday.

If you're still reading, thanks for staying to the end


Argy said…
I am so much like you when I am sick and can't taste. I become Ms PcMan and eat as many things as I can in an attempt to get some taste. Also, keep in minds that when we were babies, and sick, mom were making us nice soup to comfort. Its only natural to want to comfort ourselves with food when sick. Not good for the weight loss, but really very logical.

I do not want you to beat yourself up for writting off a week from your weightloss calendar. You have done so much in this front you do not deserve the guilt and depression this brings.

Cheer up you size 10 gorgeous woman!
Anonymous said…
You know what inspired me about this post? The fact that you have lost almost 40kg, but still "at like a pig" at the buffet :o) Its good to know you are still human like the rest of us, and that it is possible to lose 40kg even with the occasional slip up. I LOVE "all you can eat"!!

Hope you are feeling better very very soon!!!!
Anonymous said…
One thing I remember from my WW meeting days....never where your "buffet pants" to a buffet. Buffet pants are those pants or skirts with elastic waists - the ones where you tummy can expand and you don't even notice! Next time you find yourself going out to a buffet - where pants that are just a bit tight. That might help curb the over-eating....not that I follow this rule myself but thought it might be helpful for you.

If you have a chance, try to get outside over the weekend - sometimes the best thing for a cold or flu is fresh air.

Have a grea weekend.
lainb said…
Buffets (especially the *good* ones w/ quality food) are the worst!! It so tempting to want to try everything and so hard to stop at just one bite of each item. I avoid them like the plague. Glad you were at least able to get out for a walk today...sunshine does wonders when you're sick.
Me said…
Hope that you are feeling better soon. The quicker you put the buffet behind you and get back on track the better you will feel about the sabotage attack ! Take care and have a great weekend !
Shannin said…
I always wondered about people who were sick and lost a ton of weight. When I'm sick, I feel like I have license to eat ice cream, grilled cheese sandwiches and soup....

Hope you're feeling better soon!
Wenchy said…
"This has got to stop". Could sum up well how I feel right now regarding my eating habits!

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