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I don't know what is wrong with me.

Yesterday I ate so much for lunch that I felt sick for the rest of the day. That feeling was so horrible.

Why did I do it?

I don't know. Trying to psychoanalyze myself sometimes can be tricky. I don't know if it was just another case of self-sabotage relating to being scared to be at goal weight or a response to the bad feelings I had about my friend.

And I still haven't talked to her because I'm feeling really stubborn. I want her to call me, if she doesn't then I'm just going to send her an email (after waiting a few days). I think if I have a chance to write it out then re-read it and have mr. ralph read it, then I will be able to communicate it better. Or I'm a chicken shit, whichever way you see it.

There is nothing worse than the too-full feeling though. And the food I ate? It was a KFC Twister and my share of chips and fried chicken bites which I'm sure consisted of more lard and batter than chicken. I think I could have stopped about halfway through and felt fully satisfied, but instead I pushed past it and ate double the amount I needed.

I did walk on Saturday for about 45 minutes and yesterday afternoon we walked to his mum's, it took us an hour and 15 minutes. We timed ourselves to see how long it takes us to walk 1KM and together we do it in 12 minutes. I don't think the exercise would have done any good but I am glad I did it.

So, not a great start to the week going on over here at mrs. ralph's pad. Hope yours is going much better.


Tracy S said…
I think it is always a good thing ,when that happens ,to just pick up the next day and try to get back on track ..Do not beat yourself up about it ..I know what you are saying about that too full feeling too ..I hate it ...
Also I think walking helps a bunch ..I have started walking regularly also but it is getting soooo hot ....

Here via Michele :)
Heather said…
Try not to feel too bad about it. Be healthy, but don't obsess. I ate too much this weekend too. I kind of feel like I am waddling . . .

Hello, Michele sent me!
Anonymous said…
This weekend I sat down to a too-large portion of rice and found myself mowing through it because I was trying to work out a design problem in my head as I was eating, instead of the usual light conversation I have with my friend. I suddenly realized what I was doing and pushed the plate over to my friend (who had eaten a light dinner a couple of hours before and wasn't eating). He ate the rest for me. As it was, I still felt over-full for at least an hour. :P

I think that's why I mindlessly eat in front of the TV -- it engages your mind in such a way that you aren't aware of what you are doing with the fork!

And, hey -- exercise is never a bad thing. It's much better than not doing it at all, so pat on the back for you!!
Anonymous said…
The only advise I have about your friend is that if you are going to say anything, don't do it by email. I won't get into it here but suffice it to say you won't be able to get your point across. Email doesn't provide the tone of your voice or the expressions of a face to face or at least ear to ear (via the phone) conversation. I've been there and lost a long-time friendship over it.
Anonymous said…
i know that feeling. whyyyy did i eat that!!! sucks! the way i look at it now is that as long as i'm not eating like that all the time it's no big deal. and it isn't. it's eating like that for every meal every day that's not good. once in a while ain't no thang.

walking really is good too. helps you digest the food faster and better.

when you have a shit meal like that drink gobs of water to get rid of the toxins and move on.
Sooz said…
Well . . . have you heard from her? Or did you e-mail her? New blog:
Argy said…
cheer up honey! And relax too. Sometimes letting thing chill is the best strategy!

And you did such an awesome job in arlie's site!!!

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