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Yesterday was quite a busy day. Mr. ralph thankfully had the day off and drove me around everywhere I needed to go.

I had to have an x-ray and an appointment with my surgeon as well as get my fingerprints taken at the police station so I can send away for my FBI background check. I also had a 5pm doctor's appointment so I could find out why the hell I'm not getting any better after being sick for a week.

We went to the police department first because I wanted to get that out of the way at the beginning of the day, but they told us that it is better to go after hours because during the day they have a lot fewer people available to do the prints.

We went to mr. ralph's mum's house because it is right down the street from the police department and spent an hour there before going into the city and having lunch.

After lunch I stopped in to the Goodwill shop and bought a pair brown leather loafers for $3.50! She priced them so low because she said they were a "kid's size", but my tennis shoes are a kid's size too. I can get away with kid's shoes in most styles.

After that we got the x-ray and went to see my specialist. He said I am healing nicely and that was good to hear. The next appointment is in 3 months and at that time I will need to have a C-T scan as it will be one year after the operation. Can you believe that? I hope that by that time I will be comfortably below my WW goal weight.

After that we were home for just a few hours before I went to the Doctor's and found that I have a mild case of sinusitus. He gave me an extra day off today and put me on a 10-day antibiotic.

Am I feeling better? Well not exactly, but by tomorrow I should be on the upswing because it usually takes 2 days for antibiotics to take hold.

By the time that was over we were out the door to the police department again and had my fingerprints done. Which cost a hefty sum of $49 AUD. Everything about this is costly. We've spent so much money this week it is shocking.

The reason I was so grumpy is because I hate being sick and I have begun to really detest my life as it is. I want to move. I'm ready for a change and I'm ready to move back to the US. Mr. ralph is not finished with the rewrite of his thesis and it is driving me nuts.

I may be able to secure myself a raise at work in the next few months if I can keep the mistakes at a minimum as I have for the past month. This will be good and I will begin to start my own little savings plan for going to the US. I've actually told mr. ralph that if he plans on taking another year to finish this and get us ready to move, I may actually move without him and look for a job ect. while waiting for him to join me. I don't think he likes this idea, but hopefully he is taking me seriously, because I am so serious.


Wenchy said…
Where are you currently living?
Anonymous said…
so hectic at the moment AND you are sick as well? that just sucks! I am a bit sad that you are moving back to the states - i guess you feel quite accessable here ( even though we haven't met - i know that we could one day!)but follow your heart!
Argy said…
as arlie said, follow your heart. and it never hurts to push the boys too!

i never use coconut milk with curry. I just use curry powder and sprinkle it just like you do with salt or pepper. you will find out the right quantity for your taste after a couple of times :)
Anonymous said…
not lovin the australian life, huh? right now i'd be willing to trade places with you even tho it IS winter there because sister, it's practically witner here too lol. it's SO cold. gross.

now why are you getting fingerprinted exactly? i scrolled thru your other posts but can't figure it out. granted i'm eating and looking after two kids as i scroll so i could have missed something ;)

i don't have access to my email right now so i guess you can't really answer my question but when i do have email again maybe you can tell me.
Jay said…
It's rough to be so busy when you're feeling well. I hope you get some rest so you can feel better soon.
Denise said…
I'm sure the antibiotics will kick in soon and you'll be feeling right as rain.
Anonymous said…
Where are you thinking of moving to in the U.S.? Do you have family here? I'm always interested in what makes people want to move overseas. I've often thought about doing it myself, but it's mostly just so I can move to Scotland and be around a lot of hot guys, so I've never seriously pursued it.... (grin)

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