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And with Winter comes...

What else? Sickness. I'm miserable. And you know the kind of sick you are when you don't want to eat? Well, I found yesterday even though I felt horrible and my throat hurts, I still wanted to eat lots of food.

damn it!!

So I didn't feel 100% on the weekend, but nothing had really set in except I felt a little down and noticed a bit more mucus in the nasal/throat area. Nothing too major. I woke up on Monday feeling fine, except I didn't want to go to work as per usual.

My carpooling buddy on the other hand sounded near death on Monday morning and she went to work anyway. I breathed in her toxic fumes all the way to and from work, and then on Tuesday night I awoke in the middle of the night with the most ghastly sore throat.

Tuesday morning I try to convince myself that once I gargle with aspro clear and spray my throat down with Difflam (an anti-inflammatory for the throat) that I would be able to work. You know I talk on the phone all day right? Right.

I got to work and was there for a total of 30 minutes before I realized that I had a fever and was shaking. Plus the aspro clear and Difflam weren't exactly working. I had to go home. And of course at home I ate soup, and vita wheat crackers with peanut butter, rice crackers, and then some roast veggies. For dinner I had more soup, but I still felt like I could not stop eating.

So last night I call the carpooling buddy to tell her I'm going to the doctor today and she tells me she has laryngitis. Yay! I could have the same I guess, but I still have my voice, probably because I was smart enough to go home yesterday. It is probably just a virus. I'm hoping for a speedier recovery. Her doctor told her to take the whole week off of work. I have tomorrow as a rostered day off, but I am hoping I can go back for Friday because I don't think I have enough sick leave to get paid for all of this.

As for the diet? Well I can say I haven't been focused on it since I ate a lot yesterday. Today I'm not as hungry but my throat feels different than yesterday, it is more scratchy and the head is more stuffed. I haven't weighed myself so that is a good thing.

I think I may write this week off and allow myself to be sick without stressing myself out over it.


Wenchy said…
Here is hoping you feel much better, really quickly!

I'm suffering today.... cold weather equals hunger syndrome? Ugh.
Zinnia Cyclamen said…
Hello, I'm here through Michele's new-fangled meet-and-greet. Very sorry to hear you're sick - I know those sore throats where all you want to do is eat - hope you feel better soon.
Argy said…
oh I love the new look! you should do this for a living you know. And at 65 kilos you can take a week off and treat yourself now you are sick. i have discovered that when i give permission to myself i tend to eat less than when i'm trying to be restricted!
Meg said…
Oh, sweetie. Being sick sucks! I always end up eating because none of the other fixes make me feel better, so it's back to Kitchen Valium, only THAT doesn't work either, so I eat some more...

Feh. It happens. Get as much sleep as you possibly can, you poor thing!
Anonymous said…
kewl site.. thanks for dropping by my blog :)
Anonymous said…
Oh, I hope you feel better soon! I know that sometimes you HAVE to go to work ill, but I resent it -- it makes everyone else sick. I wish it were more acceptable in America to wear a surgical mask (a common practice in Japan) because then, at least, the sick person isn't as much of a biohazard (grin) to others.

I read somewhere that once you are exposed to a cold/flu virus, you really can't prevent yourself from getting sick, you can only lessen the severity depending on how active your immune system is at the moment. Blah!

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