On the way home from work I saw a girl with the figure I want, but will never have.
She was young; I think probably around 16 or 17. She was tall with lean legs and she was wearing a pair of trendy short shorts with a t-shirt. She also had amazingly perfect large breasts.
I admittedly stared for a moment at her because she didn't have one single blemish. She is so beautiful.
I couldn't stop myself from thinking about how I will never be that thin, I will probably never wear short shorts, and I definitely will never have those boobs.
I wish I didn't look longingly at the things other people have and envy them, but I do.
But I don't think I am the only one.
She was young; I think probably around 16 or 17. She was tall with lean legs and she was wearing a pair of trendy short shorts with a t-shirt. She also had amazingly perfect large breasts.
I admittedly stared for a moment at her because she didn't have one single blemish. She is so beautiful.
I couldn't stop myself from thinking about how I will never be that thin, I will probably never wear short shorts, and I definitely will never have those boobs.
I wish I didn't look longingly at the things other people have and envy them, but I do.
But I don't think I am the only one.
As Socrates said, the unexamined life is not worth living.
If you do not like the self-reflection and contemplation that ms ralph indulges in on her own blog, then find something else to read.
Otherwise, respect her right to record her feelings and thoughts and put whatever she feels like on her webpage.
mr ralph
I do the same..what more,in the evenings,when I'm already laying in bed,I imagine myself that I'm so thin..and nearly disappear
and besides, you could have the boobs, if you really wanted ;)
i gave up jealousy years ago. now if i want what someone else has i either get it or forget it. that's all.
Yeah, she might have looked great. But she also may have the shittiest life ever.
Once upon a time, there was a survey about what guys like and what women think guys like. It was a trend that women think guys like a skinny woman while a majority of guys like a medium sized woman.
I can talk about how much I love big breasts, but my reality is that every woman that has turned me out in my bed and in my head has been B cup or smaller.
Go figure.
Im loving Anonymous Mike's comments...so very true. Women ~think~ men want something completely different to what they actually want.
I also gave up longing for what I didnt have. It is an utter waste of time and brain space.
Kalisah is right, that girl may have had a shitty life.
Its natural to stare at beauty. Our eyes are drawn to a whole package - perfect skin, body, clothes & hair.
Do you have any conception of how incredibly beautiful you are? You've got a smile that goes on for days!
Onya Mr Ralph!
but i love mike's comment because it is so so so nice to have an honest man's perspective.
What you have now is this moment to enjoy what you have. It's you call.