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Do you want what you can't have?

On the way home from work I saw a girl with the figure I want, but will never have.

She was young; I think probably around 16 or 17. She was tall with lean legs and she was wearing a pair of trendy short shorts with a t-shirt. She also had amazingly perfect large breasts.

I admittedly stared for a moment at her because she didn't have one single blemish. She is so beautiful.

I couldn't stop myself from thinking about how I will never be that thin, I will probably never wear short shorts, and I definitely will never have those boobs.

I wish I didn't look longingly at the things other people have and envy them, but I do.

But I don't think I am the only one.


Anonymous said…
Please just grow up. She is 16 years old. She probably doesn't have a perfect life. The breasts may be fake....doesn't that suggest that she may too be insecure. Stop contemplating, start living.
Anonymous said…
To the anonymous commentator:

As Socrates said, the unexamined life is not worth living.

If you do not like the self-reflection and contemplation that ms ralph indulges in on her own blog, then find something else to read.

Otherwise, respect her right to record her feelings and thoughts and put whatever she feels like on her webpage.

mr ralph
Anonymous said…
Hi. I found your blog whilst looking for other Adelaide blogs. I too am guilty of comparing myself to others and being green with envy at the girls who have the bodies I want. But you need to stop comparing yourself to others and look at how beautiful YOU are. I know it's hard, and I don't want to sound like a motivational speaker here! But feeling down because you want what someone else has doesn't help. It's like getting depressed because you can't play tennis as well as Venus Williams, it makes no sense because you are your own person. When you feel down, just think, someone out there is probably watching you, wishing that they had your figure/hair/style! Goodluck with it all.
Anonymous said…
I don't long for those bodies anymore. I admit when I was younger and thought it was attainable but now I know my body, I will never look like that. Now I just want to get rid of the last 20-25lbs and I will be happy. As my grandmother told me years ago, there has to come a time in your life when you have to accept what you have and work with it.
Elizabeth said…
God, I know that feeling. It's so depressing. And yet at the same time so tempting, to imagine having something so perfect, being so perfect, to think how it would make everything so perfectly wonderful to look like that. Even though it wouldn't, it feels good to think that it would...I know I am supposed to learn to love myself. But sometimes I just get sick of having to learn to love the body I got. It's a struggle every day. Thanks for writing about it!
Anonymous said…
yeah,you're definitely not the only one..
I do the same..what more,in the evenings,when I'm already laying in bed,I imagine myself that I'm so thin..and nearly disappear
Shannin said…
I've been known to covet what others have. And I am always surprised when others tell me they want what I have. It's hard, but we have to learn to appreciate the unique characteristics we have and offer to the world.
Anonymous said…
oh of course you're not the only one. we all see things both physical and otherwise that we want but can't have. in some cases it may motivate you to work harder for what you want, in others it may make you feel like poo and send you eating a bucket of ice cream and in other cases you may have to say it will never be. that's a normal part of life and as you grow happier with your current life the moments of desiring what cannot be yours will give you less and less heartache. it's not whether we want what we cannot have, but what we do with the feelings when we have them.

and besides, you could have the boobs, if you really wanted ;)

i gave up jealousy years ago. now if i want what someone else has i either get it or forget it. that's all.
Anonymous said…
and also, atta boy mr ralph!
Emma said…
I want one of those bodies too, but I know I will never have it. I look at the pluses - when I get pregnant, I won't be worried about ruining my figure; I look like a woman, not a girl; my legs let me run, even though they look like tree trunks! And on the mean side, her body won't stay like that forever.
Kalisa said…
I once had a counseler who gave me the best advice of my life: Don't compare your insides with other people's outsides.

Yeah, she might have looked great. But she also may have the shittiest life ever.
You know the funniest part. As skinny as a woman wants to be, or thinks she needs to be, there's probably some guy out there that wants her NOT that skinny.

Once upon a time, there was a survey about what guys like and what women think guys like. It was a trend that women think guys like a skinny woman while a majority of guys like a medium sized woman.

I can talk about how much I love big breasts, but my reality is that every woman that has turned me out in my bed and in my head has been B cup or smaller.

Go figure.

Im loving Anonymous Mike's very true. Women ~think~ men want something completely different to what they actually want.

I also gave up longing for what I didnt have. It is an utter waste of time and brain space.
Kalisah is right, that girl may have had a shitty life.

Its natural to stare at beauty. Our eyes are drawn to a whole package - perfect skin, body, clothes & hair.

Do you have any conception of how incredibly beautiful you are? You've got a smile that goes on for days!

Onya Mr Ralph!
Anonymous said…
Michele sent me your way. Thin doesn't mean beautiful. Is the heart and soul of a person what makes her /him beautiful.
Anonymous said…
i think anonymous mike is right, most guys don't want a really skinny girl. but i also don't think that most of us are trying to get thinner to impress guys. it's for ourselves, our own concept of what is beautiful, and it is also often about control - having control over ourselves and feeling like we're in control of our world.

but i love mike's comment because it is so so so nice to have an honest man's perspective.
Anonymous said…
There will always be something more to have, want, desire...

What you have now is this moment to enjoy what you have. It's you call.

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