So lately I've been feeling under the weather.
At first it was a sore throat that led to coughing, and now the coughing has almost subsided but the sore throat has returned. I went to the doctor last week and was told that I probably had a virus. I didn't take any antibiotics because I didn't have any symptoms (except the swollen glands) that led me to believe I had an infection of any kind.
This weekend my shoulders and neck started to ache and not in the usual spot on the left side which is normally due to exertion and the bulging disc, but this time I'm mostly sore on the right side.
What worries me is I have no idea what is causing this. Also I've had some rather unusual bowel habits at even in this forum is a little personal to discuss.
So now I have a sore throat, sore shoulders and neck, and I have a severe upset stomach.
How wonderful!
Want to know something that boggles my mind the most? Somehow I managed to drop a kilo last week without even trying. That's right. I stepped on my scale on Saturday morning, fearful of what the verdict would be, only to find that I had mysteriously lost a kilo and weighed 67.4 again.
I don't know if this will remain the case because I proceeded to eat a lot on Saturday and drink even more on Saturday night, but I was happymomentarily with my fortune.
Now to answer the million dollar question. How did I come up with the goal of 63 kilos? Well a few years ago I submitted myself to Weight Watchers, pledging to do my best to get down to a goal weight and hopefully become a lifetime member.
The original goal weight was in pounds because I had not been exposed to kilograms. I can't for the life of me remember what the goal weight was, except I know it was whatever the heaviest weight WW would allow me for my age and height.
Since then I have left and rejoined WW a number of times and have kept my goal weight as the heaviest possible weight within my healthy weight range. I've looked at a number of different published charts regarding healthy weight ranges, and trust me 63 kilos is on the high end. I could stand to get down to 53 kilos probably.
I may look relatively thin at my current weight because I was blessed with a small waistline, but in the same respect I was also blessed with an ample rear and large thighs. Trust me, if you could see the extra weight I carry south of the border (which I cleverly never show in photos) you would understand how 63 is probably still not low enough, but alas I am setting my sights on 63 (to be healthy) don't ya know!
I understand the concern that I may spend the rest of my life in constant stress and worry about the number on the scale. Although I probably will end up doing that anyway, it is not something we should worry about presently. I am in no danger of becoming "too thin". That is an impossibility.
I've been in this position before, more than a few times. My body gets to a certain weight and just stops. Be it fatigue or just some scientific mystery, my body wants to put things on hold. I know it will pass, it may take weeks, it may take months, but sooner or later I will get this show on the road and reach that goal. Here's hoping that I can still do it before Christmas.
At first it was a sore throat that led to coughing, and now the coughing has almost subsided but the sore throat has returned. I went to the doctor last week and was told that I probably had a virus. I didn't take any antibiotics because I didn't have any symptoms (except the swollen glands) that led me to believe I had an infection of any kind.
This weekend my shoulders and neck started to ache and not in the usual spot on the left side which is normally due to exertion and the bulging disc, but this time I'm mostly sore on the right side.
What worries me is I have no idea what is causing this. Also I've had some rather unusual bowel habits at even in this forum is a little personal to discuss.
So now I have a sore throat, sore shoulders and neck, and I have a severe upset stomach.
How wonderful!
Want to know something that boggles my mind the most? Somehow I managed to drop a kilo last week without even trying. That's right. I stepped on my scale on Saturday morning, fearful of what the verdict would be, only to find that I had mysteriously lost a kilo and weighed 67.4 again.
I don't know if this will remain the case because I proceeded to eat a lot on Saturday and drink even more on Saturday night, but I was happymomentarily with my fortune.
Now to answer the million dollar question. How did I come up with the goal of 63 kilos? Well a few years ago I submitted myself to Weight Watchers, pledging to do my best to get down to a goal weight and hopefully become a lifetime member.
The original goal weight was in pounds because I had not been exposed to kilograms. I can't for the life of me remember what the goal weight was, except I know it was whatever the heaviest weight WW would allow me for my age and height.
Since then I have left and rejoined WW a number of times and have kept my goal weight as the heaviest possible weight within my healthy weight range. I've looked at a number of different published charts regarding healthy weight ranges, and trust me 63 kilos is on the high end. I could stand to get down to 53 kilos probably.
I may look relatively thin at my current weight because I was blessed with a small waistline, but in the same respect I was also blessed with an ample rear and large thighs. Trust me, if you could see the extra weight I carry south of the border (which I cleverly never show in photos) you would understand how 63 is probably still not low enough, but alas I am setting my sights on 63 (to be healthy) don't ya know!
I understand the concern that I may spend the rest of my life in constant stress and worry about the number on the scale. Although I probably will end up doing that anyway, it is not something we should worry about presently. I am in no danger of becoming "too thin". That is an impossibility.
I've been in this position before, more than a few times. My body gets to a certain weight and just stops. Be it fatigue or just some scientific mystery, my body wants to put things on hold. I know it will pass, it may take weeks, it may take months, but sooner or later I will get this show on the road and reach that goal. Here's hoping that I can still do it before Christmas.
Hang in there. I hope you start feeling better. If it were allowed, I'd send you some of my famous chicken soup - guaranteed to cure almost anything.
You made me laugh when you stated that you cleverly don't show your bum or thighs in photos. I have a big tendency to only show my best sides and angles too.
I say, so long as you have a healthy mindset and attitude to your goal weight, then go for it!
I know what you mean when your body is "happy" at a weight. I am happy that yours is happy at 67 kilos becasue mine was happy at 120!!!! It didn't matter what I ate or how often, my weight was happy to just stay there.....but I wasn't.
You're a very strong spirit. Keep your chin up!