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Weigh-in for Saturday Aug 6th

Although I wanted to see more of a loss, I have to say the fact that I'm going back down is a relief in itself. I weighed in at 67.4 kg and had a loss for the week of 300 grams.

I did have difficulty getting my mind back into weight-loss mode. I'd been coasting along for a few weeks and it takes time to stop the bad habits and reintroduce new ones.

I am amazed at the response to my post from Friday morning. It is such a good feeling to know that I've helped some of my readers begin to deal with their own feelings. I've tried writing to everyone that I had email addresses for, but Khazzy if you are still reading, I hope you know that if you want someone to talk things through with I would be happy to be there for you.

Plus I had obligated myself to go see a Goldclass movie with my mum-in-law (it was her mother's day gift from us) and she had asked me during the week if she could redeem it this weekend.

I was in such a state I tell you. I had a mind splitting headache, you know the kind where everything around you just vibrates off your head when you are walking? And I had to survive on around 4 hours sleep. All I wanted was to go to bed.

I somehow made it through Monster In Law (that Jane Fonda has still got it ladies) but after that my mood was very shitty. I was grumpy and sleepy and I couldn't put on the shiny happy face. We ended up eating dinner at Fasta Pasta, and although I had an entree serve it was probably still too much food for me.

I still haven't bought Flickr, and now I think I need to do a little calculating on the finances before I buy it. I have a girls weekend in the Baroosa and the very next weekend in Melbourne coming up at the end of this month, and to be able to pay for that I need to watch the cash.


Kimberly said…
Isn't Jane a babe??!! I know I won't look that good at her age ...or my age for that matter ;-)

Michele sent me over. Hope you have a great weekend.
Anonymous said…
FYI...Saturday is the 6th - unless downunder you use a different calendar than everyone else, lol.

Congrats on the loss, baby steps and you will get there girlie!
Wenchy said…
You sound so busy! Congrats on the loss.
Mx said…
It's amazing how you're inspiring so many people. Not many people can claim they've done this! Congratulations for the loss and your bravery in dealing with all the difficult issues life has brought your way.
Ohhhh poor sausage. I hope you replenished all your lost vitamin B after your hangover!

Thanks for your email, you are just the sweetest woman.
Shannin said…
I haven't had a hangover like that in a long time. I usually just crave diet coke and grease.

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