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The end of my rope

There are no words to describe how much I hate the medical practice in Australia, but let me see if I can give it a go.

We all know that for the past few weeks I've had increasing pain in my shoulders, paticularly the left side. Well on Tuesday night I couldn't sleep because the pain was so intense and nothing was helping. It felt exactly like the kind of pain I had before when they discovered I had a bulging disc.

At the emergency room they gave me some oxycodone (which apparently is one of the strongest pain medicines they are allowed to administer) and all it did folks is make me sleepy. The pain was still there. Then they told me that I should ring my surgeon the following day to see what I should do.

I spoke to his secretary who told me she would speak to him and ring me back. Of course she had not rung me by 4pm so I had to ring her and she "was just about to ring me..." What did the bastard have to say? He doesn't think it is related to the fusion he performed so therefore I should go to my GP and ask for analgesic.


So late in the afternoon my doctor wasn't available of course but I was in a lot of pain so I thought I would take my chances on seeing someone new. Bad Idea. Capital B, Capital I.

I go to a practice that is just down the street from my normal one and end up waiting an extra 30 minutes because the receptionist couldn't add me to their computer data base, when a very grumpy looking man came out and asked me to his office. He sat down and said, "What is wrong?" I said "Well, it is sort of a long story.." And he interrupted me with a look and said, "you will need to shorten it." Right then he pissed me off. I was angry. I was in pain, and this guy was my last hope?

So I said, "OK. I have nerve pain in my left shoulder." Then he said, "How long have you had this pain?" I'm starting to think now, do I tell him the whole story or not? I begin to try to tell him about the surgery etc and I told him about the emergency room visit and how oxycodone wasn't helping me with the pain when he interrupted me and said, "That is a strong pain killer, I don't know what you think I can do for you."


"Well, I spoke to my surgeon's secretary today who said that he doesn't feel it is related to his fusion so therefore I needed to see a GP."

Again, "I don't know what I can do for you, your surgeon needs to be the one taking care of you, I understand.." I now interrupted him and said, "I don't think you do understand, I was told to come to see a GP, and I believe I need a scan to see what is going on in my neck." After it sunk in that this man was not going to help me I said, "I don't know why I came here at all."

The man started to say again, "I know this must be very frustrating for you..." but I didn't wait around to hear what else the fucker had to say because I grabbed my purse and left. Without turning around I said rather sarcastically, "thank you for your time." I should have said, "Where did you get your license to practice medicine? A cereal box?"

I was so angry and had tears coming down my face that I almost forgot my medicare card, but I went right back in and demanded it from the shitty receptionist. The guy didn't even try to stop me from leaving. It was obvious he had better things to do with his time than help someone who is in pain.

I'm about to cry right now as I write this because I cannot for the life of me fathom why the doctor's in Australia are so awful.

There has been one doctor that has been any help to me at all and she is a little old lady who only works part time because she is retired. I have an appointment to see her today, but I honestly don't know what will happen.

I need a scan, this is obvious to me. I realize the pain is on the other side to where it was previously. But all I've done is work. That is all. This has got to be work related. Maybe it is another disc that was wearing and has finally reached its tether? How the hell am I to know? But the fact that nobody wants to help me is making me go insane.

Insane I tell you.

If I don't write for a few days, nay weeks you can assume that I went postal and that I had to be restrained. Seriously. That doctor from last night has not heard the last of me. I will make his life hell. I will have him under investigation for being a rat-bastard doctor who shouldn't be practicing medicine.


Oh sweetheart. I absolutely feel for you.

Please let me say "Not all doctors in Australia can be popped into the 'cereal box doctor' category". There are excellent mechanics and shitty mechanics, just as there are excellent doctors and shitty doctors.

I had the exact opposite reaction to a doctor in America who wanted to prescribe every sedative, anti depressant etc on the market for me when I simply had a cold. (I can't get over the amount of 'drug' advertisements on USA TV)

From your story, what it sounds like it boils down to is some people just should NOT be working around people. In any industry.

The thing that horrifys me in cases such as yours is that someone comes in with a neck pain and have actually got spinal damage that the doctor was too lazy - yes LAZY - to diagnose.

You know your body. Stand up and shout out loud. I would definately be paying a personal visit to your surgeon.

When I moved to Bendigo I needed to find a new doctor - the best way is to ask people you truly respect- like finding a hairdresser, it really has to be the whole package.

I would ask questions that mattered to me such as ;
"Is the doctor assertive?"
"Is the practice spotlessly clean?"
"Does the doctor take this time or rush you through?"
"Are the staff bright and attentive and helpful?"

I literally pulled 3 women up on the street and said "Hi, I'm new to town and I really need to find a great doctor". People will recommend their doctor if they are happy with them. Do make sure you get a nice cross section of people to ask.

On a really positive note - look at how much extra weight you are not carrying around on top of this injury? Can you imagine lugging around an extra 30+ kgs while you are in this much pain?

All my warm healing thoughts,
Mx said…
What a shite doctor, what a shitty attitude! Poor Becca, it can't have been easy. It's very often the same here in the UK, unless they see blood, GPs tend to totally ignore you and send you home. No wonder they get sued all the time, I mean what do they expect?! I hope you feel better, hun, this sucks.
Anonymous said…
Oh Rebecca! I'm so sorry to read that you're in so much pain and being frustrated on top of it doesn't help. Beckie's comment is spot-on though. You know your body so make them listen! And maybe ask the retired MD you're seeing today if she can recommend someone. Good luck with everything.

M@rla said…
How awful!! Hope you get some relief soon.
Anonymous said…
I feel for you re your pain, but to make such sweeping comments?? You're obviously not looking at things in a balanced way, and given your pain it may be hard to, but come on!
theaddict said…
To Kate - You may not feel I have the right to make such "sweeping comments" and that is your perogative, but I've been dealing with the Australian medical system for over 18 months now. I was screaming in pain for a week (with a bulging disc but they didn't know that because they didn't bother to do tests) and sent back and forth from the ER to my GP and it took them about 6 visits and my having pain at the most unbearable level before anyone took me seriously. I think I have some background on the situation. This current situation wasn't my first experience with doctors who do not know how to treat people. So therefore I do think I have a right to my opinion. Thank you. I don't think I ever said all doctors are the same, but because of the government healthcare system the way they treat people is a bit shite.
Shannin said…
I realize you may not feel like laughing, but there are bad doctors all over, even in California...

(I'll try and make this short, but it is funny now).

My doctor called with results from a pap smear and she said it came back irregular. I asked what that meant and she said, "Well, you could have cancer." I had a major melt down.

I went back to have a second pap (oh, the joy) where they freeze the cervix. They put me in a room on the other side of the waiting room since it was larger and more comfortable, but used less and off the beaten path of the nurses. I was in the stirrups when the doc decided she needed a different sized speculum. She went of to Speculum-land, and I waited in the stirrups, and waited, and waited for about an hour.

I finally got up, got dressed and went to the front desk where the nurse said, "You're still here?!" I explained the doc went to get a new speculum and the nurse said, "Well, she's gone to lunch." WTF??!!

The nurse got me back into the room and on the examining table without me going ballistic. The doctor rushed in and gave me HALF HER EATEN SANDWICH. She says, "Just relax, have a turkey sandwich." I was in such shock. First of all, eating while she's spleunking in my vagina is hardly my idea of a relaxing moment.

She did the exam, and I left so pissed. I was so angry, when I called Don I broke down in tears, I could barely drive. When I got to my apartment, there were 14 roses waiting for me (14 is my lucky number). I never did go back to her, and I moved in with Don within the month.

I know there is a process you have to go through for insurance reasons and because of your previous injury. I hope you are able to find someone to help you. I would also suggest a chiro if you can see one.

Keep us posted. I'll be thinking goods thoughts for you.
Anonymous said…
geez, so good of Kate to lend her support. nice. thanks for coming out Kate.

doctors are jerks. i'm so glad i didn't become one or i'd be a jerk now too. ;) i hope you get help. i'm currently going thru some chronic pain issues and am getting no help. i know how frustrating t it is and i hope you get relief soon.
It's been a few days since you posted.

How are you feeling? Have you gotten any relief?
Anonymous said…
I feel for you - 15 minutes isn't enough time to describe a complex situation. There's also inadequate clinical diagnostic equipment for back and neck neurological symptoms. Finding information about surgeons and their success rates or otherwise is impossible and they themselves are often inaccessible.

And there is literally a lot of incorrect and downright dangerous information given to patients by GP's and physical therapists. Most GP's do not understand pain or neurological symptoms at all and don't seem to be interested in trying to - and often don't seem to actually believe in them.

I really feel for your situation. There needs to be a revolution in the approach to spine problems - patients should be able to sit down for an hour, with several specialists in the room to go through their neurological issues - imagine speaking to a radiologist, surgeon, neurologist and physical therapist at the SAME TIME and getting them to work together with each other and you on identifying a cause and potential solution.

I hope that you are feeling better.

The silliest thing I had a GP say after describing a neurological symptom from a neck injury as "you should get that looked into that" ... duh - isn't that why I'm here?
Anonymous said…
Yeah, a shitty doctor, but at least if you didn't have insurance here you could still get treated. Our hospitals don't turn people away because they don't have money and I think that's far better than the US.

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