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A nice surprise

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but Australians are a bit different when it comes to weight loss. They're very private and compliments and comments aren't as forthcoming as they'd be in the US where everyone is on a diet, thinking about going on a diet etc.

Yesterday I received an email from one of my co-workers and this is what she wrote:
Hey Becca. A quite personal thing really. I cannot help notice how great you look. Diversity aside, I am sick of being fat. Can you please let me know how I join Weight Watchers as it seems, with your will power, and their help, you have achieved as well as maintained your ideal weight.

When she say's "diversity aside" she is referring to the company policy of not saying anything that someone else may find offensive. They're very strict about it. I had to giggle about that, but I was so encouraged. I know it took a lot for her to reach out to me, and I was so happy that people see me as an example.

Argy's recent entry has really struck a chord with me and made me think about my own issues relating to sexual abuse and how it has impacted my life.

Too often I want to push the feelings aside and not deal with it because I don't want to be reminded of the helpless little girl. I don't want to hear what she has to say because it hurts too much.

I've been out of therapy for a while, and the truth is I need to get myself into it again, but I've been putting it off.

My issues with eating began quite early. Because most of my memory of the actual events relating to my grandfather abusing me have been blacked out by my subconscious, I'm not sure how young I was when he started hurting me. I had to be very young, preschool aged, maybe even an infant.

For no reason today I was reminded of a humiliating experience from childhood. I was a swan in our class play in the 3rd grade and although I don't remember being "fat", or worrying about it, my mother bought me a pair of tights that were too small and forced me to wear them even though I couldn't pull them up. She was mad at me because I couldn't fit into them and I remember her making me cry because she said I was too fat.

I don't know what her exact words were, I just remember feeling so embarrassed and ashamed. Those 2 feelings have been with me for the majority of my life.

There is so much shame to carry when you are molested, too much dirtiness.

You feel sick because even though you know it is wrong, you can't control feeling pleasure from it. Your body betrays you. You feel you are to blame. You feel you should never be allowed to be attractive, otherwise others may want to do this to you as well; so you eat.

You eat to hide, you eat to smother your feelings, you eat to disguise your body. Food can make the feelings go away temporarily. When you are fat then you can blame all your problems on being fat. Men don't want you when you are fat, you don't have to deal with your sexuality.

When I did embrace my sexuality I went crazy. It was the same behaviour except I replaced food with sex. I wanted to be loved, I wanted to feel loved. I thought sex was the only way how. I still sometimes have a very blurred sense of the difference between being loved, and being wanted. I fear this will never be undone completely.

I can celebrate that I have made great strides in overcoming the past. I don't write this today for your sympathy, nor do I use it as an excuse for anything that goes wrong in my life. I do not want to be seen as a victim, but a survivor.

I unquestionably believe that the past is the past, it is what we do with today that matters.


Sue said…
Wow - you've done so well with your wieght loss. This is a great post, too, very open.
I'm sobbing my heart out. This has struck the biggest emotional chord with me.

I've only just discovered this same path of self abuse that has started with abuse many years ago.

Pregnancy has bought all memories of my abuse out with me, and being a regular reader of my blog of the past few months you will have seen the anger and frustrations that came out in my writing, though I have never spoken about it til now.

Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Wondeful post ... well said. I can't say much more that that.
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry for what you went through, but you are right. You are no one's victim, you are a strong, brilliant survivor. I admire that strength, your ability to be open and honest with what you've been through.

I think it's great that someone reached out to you for help! I hope she's able to find her own path to success.
Anonymous said…
huuuuuuuuuuugs for you, becca dear... it is heartbreaking that a innocent wee child had to go through that... as well as all that comes after it. hug hug hug, is all i can say.
Shannin said…
Hugs from Minnesota. Being fat, feelings of shame, sexual confusion - I think those all make up a part of those of us who struggle with our weight. It scares me sometimes that I am going to have to deal with things (power, sexuality) once I lose weight that I don't have to now.
Thanks for the very personal post.
Sooz said…
You are a survivor. And now, someone who inspires change in others. That is a wonderful thing.
Anonymous said…
that was beautiful and inspiring to read. thank you for writing and sharing it. and what a great email from your coworker!
Anonymous said…
This is the first time in my life that I have posted something related to my abuse as a child. I have read your posts in the past. I was amazed though to read this one, for you are the first person that has been able to express the feelings that have been lurking forever in my mind and heart. The pleasure issue has always been in the back of my mind ever since my experience of abuse started and I thought of myself as a nasty little bad girl for feeling that way. I felt like a pervert. It really has been a relief to see that another person has been through the same feelings that I have been experiencing all my life. Even the out of control sex thing has been part of my life, although I still can't say what it is that I am looking for in these sexual encounters. I thank you for making me able to cry for the first time about this and feel anger at the experience instead of repulsion towards myself.
Anonymous said…

I too was very touched by your post, and inspired to continue doing the work I do to help other young survivors of abuse. Thank you so much for your honest words. You have helped me understand a little more.

Anonymous said…
Do you work for Teletech, by any chance? I do.

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