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My cup overflows

I woke up earlier than I needed to today, but it is dark outside. Instead of going for a walk in the dark I decided to check out my comments from this week. I think that it is the best thing that I could have done. You guys are amazing. I truly have no idea what I would do without you.

I am feeling so encouraged. Also a close friend of mine made me feel great earlier this week when I told her about the gain. She told me that I am her inspiration for losing weight, and she is using me as her role model.

And Beckie you are right to remind me of being 105 kilos. Sometimes it is easy to forget that I was once that large when now my worries are trying to make sure I can still wear my size 10 pants. It is remarkable to be 67 kilos, an amazing blessing.

It is unreal this journey I've been on. I guess I worry a lot that I will slip up and gain it all back. This frightens me so much. But it is wise to remember where I've come from and look back in a positive way to celebrate my accomplishments.

Yesterday, my almost always sweet mr. ralph told me as I was leaving for work that if there was a best dressed at my job he thinks I'd win it. It made me smile to myself. I think I've always been a clothes horse, and I've got a gift for bargain shopping. I know what looks good on me. When people compliment my clothes I always think to myself, "that is my thing." Like some people have the gift of being funny. And it is, it makes me feel very good to receive such nice compliments.

For you my beautiful Argy, I will model a few of my favorite outfits (and amaze you with the price tags) as soon as I purchase the Flickr Pro Account. Hopefully this will happen this weekend.

I've slowly made a few changes this week. Had a huge chicken salad for dinner on Monday and loved it so much had it again for lunch yesterday. Tonight I'm making dinner for my mum-in-law so hopefully I will succeed in pleasing her palate with my low-fat Tuscan Meatballs. I serve it up with low-GI rice instead of pasta, and will have lots of veggies with it.

I've also walked a few times, although not as much as I once did. I know it is going to take me a while to get back to the frequency I need, but I'm working on it.

I know this may sound too ooshy gooshy, but I have had my cup overflow today, and I really needed it. Thanks again to all of you!


Shannin said…
Aren't blog friends great? One of the things I used to do when I'd be down about a weight gain is go to a grocery store and put the amount of weight that I had lost in dog food in a basket and walk around the store. I might have looked funny with nothing in the basket but a 50 pound bag or two of dog food, but I was able to realize that I used to carry around that much weight EVERY DAY.
As far as my surgery, I have my sleep test tonight and then should have an appointment with the surgeon sometime this month. I'm hoping for a surgery date of early October since I have to do it when Don isn't on the road covering the team, and I don't want to wait until NEXT off-season.
Argy said…
Shannin is right, blog friends are great!

I am leaving for the island tomorrow, and I will miss the weekend pics! BUT!!! I will have so much catching up to do on gorgeous pics and lost weight when I return at the end of the month that I really think twill be a great compensation!!!!
Wenchy said…
Ahhhhhhhhhhh that is wonderful. You do sound so happy today.
Anonymous said…
Yay! So happy to hear you are re-charged and feeling back on track. I LOVE reading your page – I even love that you share your tough times. Since that makes me feel a little less alone when I get off track. My loss is between 110 and 120 lbs, but I have abou 50 lbs to goal so it's a LONG journey. Blogs like yours give me great encouragement and empower me to stay on track.

Mx said…
Hey! It was wonderful to read your post, your attitude and strength is amazing so that's the first thing you should celebrate. Then of course all that weight you've lost (which is an unreal amount!) shows what a courageous, talented and determined person you are. It's a BIG deal and you look absolutely gorgeous. It's wonderful to know you feel good as well because at the end of the day, that's what it's all about!

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