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I think it is time

I should stop starting every entry with the fact that I don't know my weight, but I feel it is necessary. I don't know it. But I know that I still have around 10 kilos I want to lose. I know this instinctively. I am considering weighing myself soonish, but I am not ready. If I weigh above 70 it will really hurt my pride.

The thing is most of the time I feel really good. Yesterday I walked into the city again. Feels amazing to do that! After I was there I had a coffee and walked around a bit and then came back up through Norwood. Then mr. ralph met me for lunch. I didn't eat very healthy, but I was starving.

Last night I decided it is time to start counting calories again. I am going to use SparkPeople

I feel as if I am ready to do this.

I have decided that I can commit myself to tracking and exercise for 2 months. I will do it. I should lose at least between 5-10 kilos. And if I don't what have I lost in time? Two months. That is all. Plus I am really ready to do this. I waited until I wanted to do it. And now I do.

Good isn't it?


Anonymous said…
hell yeah!

*ms ralph cheersquad goes WILD!*
Shannin said…
I think, sometimes, I'd rather judge my weight by the size I'm wearing rather than the scale. Of course, I'd be depressed today since a pair of 16 capris wouldn't fit, but on Friday I wore a pair of linen slacks that were a size 18.

Numbers - they play a nasty head game.
Wenchy said…
You go girl!!!
Belladora said…
I love SP....I hope you do too:)
M@rla said…
Welcome back to the scale, baby!! Oh, I'm kidding, that's nothing to celebrate; you know that evil scale is chuckling in anticipation. But I'm glad you've decided on a plan of action - and you are confident and calm about it, that is so important.

Did you have your Deadwood party yet?
Anonymous said…
Hi there,

I have just spent a few days reading your archives, and I think you are amazing! I know how tough it can be to be in a foreign country, and to diet, AND to have all your health problems- you are one of the most positive people I have ever read. Good luck!
Anonymous said…
hey gorgeous girl! Guess who is back? Yep! Me! It must be so hard when you get to your weight. Technically, you are at a very healthy and attractive weight, but only you know when it will feel right! I can totally understand why you don't want to weigh. Your weight has no reflection at this point of how you look! Maybe you should buy a goal outfit or something or get the measurements of someone whose figure you admire and make that your goal now?

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