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Feeling Good

Straight hair 2

You won't believe what I did today. I walked from my house into the city. This took me about 1 hour 15 minutes. I had a coffee and spent about 20 minutes resting, then I walked back home. It was raining. I pushed myself so hard that my legs and feet hurt now. But in a good way. My mood is improving. Exercise is obviously very good for the mood.

The new drug seems to be doing it's job too. I don't think about food that much. This week I only ate 3 meals a day and did not snack inbetween. I ate too much yesterday though. We had chocolates at work in celebration of Easter, mr. ralph and I went to my favorite restaurant on Rundle Street after seeing V for Vendetta and I gorged. I love their food. Sigh. Then we went to this new place that serves nothing but drinks and food made from chocolate. It was yum! I had something called a chocolate espresso, that I thought would be coffee and chocolate. It wasn't. It was a thick, rich chocolatey syrup in an espresso cup. Oh God it was like sex on a spoon.

I still have not gone anywhere near a scale. But I wanted you to know I am on the up. Thanks for your thoughts. I miss all of you.

Have a happy Easter.


Kathryn said…
Good to hear you are feeling better. What a great walk.

There is a place like that chocolate shop here - Max Brenner - and it's located downstairs from my gym! Luckily it hasn't tempted me (yet).
Wenchy said…
So glad to hear you are on the up.... sex on a spoon... need to get me some of THAT!
Anonymous said…
Wow chocolate espresso :) I'm liking the sound of that. I saw V for Vendette a while back and really liked it. How did you find it?
Belladora said…
Good good good! Great job on that long walk! Exercise does wonders for the mood:)
Shannin said…
Great job on the long walk. I always seem to feel better after a good round of exercise and kick myself for not doing it more!

Chocolate port, BTW, is a beverage from the devil. Seriously good stuff.
Jeanna said…
So happy that you are feeling better :o)
Argy said…
and yes've got a deal ;)
Glad you are on the up and up and having sex on a spoon.

That walk sounded terrific!


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