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Almost there, but not quite

Can you believe I still do not want to know how much I weigh?

On the weekend I walked a lot again. It is becoming obvious to me that I will soon have to start walking even greater distances because it is too easy for me now to walk for 1 hour.

Anyway, the good news is this wonderful woman that knew me a while ago when she worked at a cafe in the city (and I was at least 80 kilos or more) has since started working at the cafe near me that I walk to on the weekends. When she saw me this weekend she said, "Hi skinny girl!"

It made my year!

Me, a skinny girl?

And if you are a long term reader you may remember that a while ago I bought some Adidas sports pants (the non-stretch kind) and they are a size 10. When I bought them they were tight but wearable as long as I wasn't in public. Then I lost enough that they fit. Of course I put on so much that I wouldn't have dreamt of trying to wear them.... and yet, on Monday I did! I wore them and in public!

I know that I couldn't possibly be my thinnest yet though because yesterday I put on this snug dress that I wore last winter and it is still too snug. It is meant to be a clingy dress, but I look like a prostitute in it now. This is not the look I am going for. If I keep going the way I am with my exercise and eating I don't think it will be much longer though.

I had a lovely long talk with Beckie on the public holiday. I needed it so much. The one thing about living here that has been hard for me is not having really close girlfriends that I can just bounce ideas off of. Beck is an amazing girl. She listens and doesn't judge. I really love that about her.

Oh and have you seen the football lately? Go Collingwood!


Anonymous said…
It's great to get compliments, they can really motivate you to continue.

I remember those adidas pants! Congrats for getting back into them. I have a ton of clothes that I've bought too small in hopes of someday fitting into them. I don't fit into any of them yet but I'm still determined to.
Cinders said…
It's nice to sometimes avoid the scales and just focus on being healthy. Pity we don't always see ourselves as others do - Yeah for the 'Skinny girl' comment. Oh and I've seen Collingwood and I'm happy with what I see also. Have a great weekend.
...jus me said…
You go girl! You are doing great!
Jeanna said…
Keep up the great work, Skinny girl!!
Anonymous said…
I'm sooo happy to hear that you are feeling slimmer and walking up a storm! Congratulations on staying off the scale - it's such a temptation to know what it says, but you're feeling good and that is far more important than knowing what the number says.

Keep up the great progress, I'm also trying to get back into some previously purchased sweats with no stretch. I'm encouraged by your success. YAY!
Argy said…
Im so avoiding the scales right now! Which is silly really. I can tell how much I have gained. It all stays in my middle section. Bfore its too late and starts getting to my thighs too.

But you know, you are thin. And you better start to believe it too!

I miss you too...I look for you in google talk but never get yoou online :(

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