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The kitty is okay

I wanted to update sooner, but things have been so crazy. I plan on writing my own tribute to New Orleans ... but maybe over the weekend.

My sister has been emailing to let me know she is keeping watch over the old cat, and even though he is mad for being left alone he is still alive and well. Last email she wrote she told me how she gave him a walk outside and sat with him a while before she had to leave.

I'm organizing a day at my work where we do a gold coin donation for The American Red Cross, because no one else has even thought about it. It is unbelievable. I can't believe how much the Aussies (at my work at least) donated to the Tsunami but with this they aren't even thinking...

Also, some friends have approached me to donate directly to my family. I couldn't believe it, but WOW. Isn't that awesome? It may not be very much in the end, but it will buy them a week's worth of groceries I'm sure. I was also thinking of setting up a paypal account directly on here for any of you that want to donate to my family as well.

I had bad news from my brother that my father still hasn't rung the employee assistance number that I gave him for his work. I think he may be afraid they will ask him to find a way to get there and at the moment he doesn't know how he will do that, plus my brother thinks depression has hit him.

I want to help my parents so much but it is hard being over here.


Anonymous said…
Wow ... I don't know what to say. I like your idea of establishing a pay pal account, but I'm tapped out (both with pay pal and my contributions to the local red cross). It would be so much better if I could have contributed to someone I knew was getting the contribution than just to a fund in general, but at least I know the ARC will put it to good use. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I'll stay tuned for updates. If there is anything I can do other than contribute financially, please let me know. I'm going to donate blood Friday afternoon and would like to encourage all to do so as well and on a regular basis as it cannot be frozen or otherwise stored for long periods of time and is in constant demand. Keep the faith!
theaddict said…
Hi Brooke

I understand, and appreciate your concern about my cat. Trust me I know what you are saying and I am keeping in touch with my sister who has not left him to "fend for himself" as my brother previously told me. My parents may actually be able to continue to take care of him when they are able to return to their home and survey the damage and make an insurance claim. Right now everyone who was affected by the hurricane is doing what they can, day by day.

My parents cannot afford the gasoline to drive the three hours to pick him up, but my sister who lives about 20 minutes away is keeping his food and water supply going, and she is not letting him out (the doors are secure) because we don't want him wandering away or being in danger of some ferral animals roaming the area.

If my sister stops being able to care for him this way (until my parents have money to get him) then I will ask her to take him to a shelter. I would do everything in my power to keep that cat safe. I've had him a very long time and love him.

I hope this helps ease your mind.

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